When your dreams talk of your own health

Recurring dreams, as the fall into the void or be pursued reveal internal aspects of our personality that perhaps we don't want to recognize
Cuando tus sueños hablan de tu propia salud
Maybe you surprised. But the world of dreams, is sometimes a reflection of our emotional world, where media, anxieties and stress, translates into dreamlike images that we all share equally. For example you've dreamed of ever you fell into the void? You will learn what is due.
Sleep has a restorative effect on the person. We need not only physically, our brain is incredibly active while we rest for organizing thoughts and memories. If we suffer insomnia, for example, it is common to have problems of concentration and memory. But there are still more interesting data: our dreams, can tell us about our own emotional health. Just need to know them to interpret.

What are the emotional dreams?

  • In your day to day, through multiple situations that perhaps you're not entirely conscious. Perhaps you have pressure in your work or you do not see you recognized, but would prefer to not give importance. You can at home have also a problem that do not dare say aloud... all these aspects translates into internal anxieties, not faced dimensions that are in our unconscious.
  • Our emotional health requires that we deal with all this, asks us to balance and tranquility. But the moment in which our life is full of worries, is when stress, when headaches, upset are... and all of this is reflected in dreams-.
  • Dreams are a perfect way to channel these emotions. Our fears and problems are represented by dreamlike images that almost all share alike. Our emotional health thus finds its particular stage at these night moments, when we are plunged into unconsciousness. Fears look to us face to face, or appear disguised in metaphorical figures. Do you want to know them?

Explanation to the most recurrent dreams

1 dream that we are persecuted

Has you ever happened? It is one of the most common dreams. Be walking down a street, or by a family setting, and feel the presence of someone behind our backs. You don't need to be a person, sometimes can be an animal and even an indefinite presence. The explanation is given by our fear to face something of our lives. Or something that you are hiding and who do not dare to say. You might want to require something to your boss, or that there is something we should tell your partner and we do not even dare to reveal.

2 dreaming that we fall

It is one of the most recurrent dreams. Sometimes it is very brief, causing even that we wake up sweating and out of breath. We will walk and suddenly fall from a precipice, or appears a vacuum beneath our feet. What does mean? These dreams come to show us that we are going through a situation of stress in our lives. The nerves are skin-deep and your body reacts. If this happens to you very often you must begin to face that you should change something in your life to find you better.

3 dream that we are trapped

Without knowing how, we see ourselves locked in a stifling, small site. We cannot find the exit and we need air, feel tachycardias, exhaustion and fear. If it ever happened to you this stop to ask you a question, when you have this type of dreams did have some kind of problem that worried you enough? May occur to such concerns caught us with its pressure "choking us".

4 dream that we left naked House or that your teeth fall us

These types of dreams are associated with an low self-esteem, or a lack of confidence in ourselves at any given time. These dreams in which suddenly and without knowing why, we house without clothes are related to this type of realities. The same happens with the appearance of the teeth. Be talking to someone and see suddenly how we fall. It is possible that when you dream it, you feel vulnerable about something in your life.

5 dream of natural disasters

Storms, fires, intense winds capable of tearing down houses and trees... Why does it occur? It is an example of anxiety. But perhaps a fairly high State of anxiety where we felt fragile against everything that surrounds us. These elements of nature is our reality, what is hurting us: work, personal problems. It is perhaps the most disturbing dream type because it is where we are most fragile and vulnerable.
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