Many people confuse both terms, believing that they are synonymous. However, it's two vocal, related but different disorders. Dysphonia is the popular "hoarseness" and hoarseness is when we are left without a voice. Learn more about both in this article.
Hoarseness: what is, by showing
Let's start with the more serious condition of the two, which occurs when we were directly without voice, either, when it sounds like a very low whisper. You may or may not be something gradual, and the main causes include problems in the larynx.Overuse of the vocal, shouting loudly, some alterations of larynx or psychological problems may be causing this condition. At the same time, throat annoyed as if you were cold or flu.
Most frequent causes of hoarseness
- Diseases of the respiratory system such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, allergies, persistent cough, tumours or nodules.
- Misuse of the voice: forcing it too, for work or entertainment.

- Irritant or toxic products: tobacco, alcohol, pepper, vinegar, chemical or abrasive products.
- Nerves: After a box of anger, many cries of rage, nerves by an event in particular, etc.
- Manipulations: after larynx surgery or other medical procedures. Also due to injuries caused by accidents.
- Excessive cold: if it snows or the temperature is below zero and we are homeless, as well as by the intake of too cold drinks when we're sweaty.
- Other causes: goiter, diphtheria, paralysis in the vocal cords, chronic diseases that weaken the muscle tone.
Dysphonia: what is, by showing
We have to say that it is an alteration in the voice, without that comes to disappear completely as in the voice dysphonia. Referred to as "hoarseness" and, although it can affect the entire population, who are more likely are teachers, speakers, singers, the telemarketers, priests or speakers, the receptionists and voice professionals.
Dysphonia occurs when too loaded to the vocal cords, is screaming loudly, is without is well the neck when it is cold or frozen drinks are consumed. While the causes are similar to the voice, this condition does not last for a long time and usually does not relate to a more serious disease as indicated before.
Yes you must be careful if the picture of dysphonia takes place several times a month or a year, not only in winter and even though we take precautions. Otherwise, you might be a nodule or polyp in the vocal cords, a chordal cyst, a tumor, a laryngitis acute, chronic or reflux, intracordal hematoma or a Leukoplakia. In any case, a consultation with the Otolaryngologist is very important to rule out chronic pathologies.
Natural remedies for hoarseness and dysphonia
As a first measure is needed vocal rest (that is, not to mention) and not to break the voice or "force" it to elevate the sound. Rehabilitation may be indicated in some cases foniatrica or an endoscopic surgical treatment. To determine if there is injury or malformation, a technique called laryngoscopy is used, with a small tube that is inserted into the throat and in the end it has a camera.Some remedies for hoarseness and dysphonia due to minor such as misuse of the voice or cold are intake:
Recipe No. 1 against imbalances in the voice
Ingredients- 1 onion.
- 2 teaspoons honey (50 g).
Peel the onion and chop into large pieces. Then add to the Blender along with the honey. Crush well and consume three tablespoons of this mixture daily.
Recipe No. 2 against imbalances in the voice
Ingredients- 1 glass of water (200 ml).
- the juice of a lemon.
Boiling water and let cool. Then pour the lemon juice and beam gargle twice daily.
Recipe N ° 3 against imbalances in the voice
Ingredients- 1 cup (250 ml) water.
- 1 tablespoon salt (10 g).
It heats the water and dissolve the salt. Make gargles until it cools completely. Repeat several times a day with fresh water.
Recipe N ° 4 against imbalances in the voice
Ingredients- 2 large leeks.
- 1 liter of water.
Cook leeks in water for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and drink during the day.
Recipe N ° 5 against imbalances in the voice
Ingredients- 1 lemon.
- 1 glass of water (200 ml).
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (1.5 g).
Part in half the lemon and squeeze the juice. It is mixed with water and bicarbonate. Drink once a day.
Recipe N ° 6 against imbalances in the voice
Ingredients- 200 g of carrots.
- 1 liter of water.
- 1 tablespoon honey (25 g).
Peel the carrots and cook them whole for 10 minutes. Cut into slices and squeeze. It is mixed with a tablespoon of honey and consumed every day.
Recipe N ° 7 against imbalances in the voice
Ingredients- 1 teaspoon thyme (3 g).
- 1 cup (250 ml) water.
- the juice of a lemon.
- 1 tablespoon honey (25 g).
Boiling water and, when it reaches boiling point, add the thyme. Still cooking for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse for 5 minutes, strain, and add the lemon and honey. As if it were a tea drink.
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