Although some drink to forget, we must know that the effect of alcohol is just the opposite, since it stimulates the brain areas responsible for the memories and learning

From the traditional "no vuelvo a drink" to the home remedies to cure the hangover, everything that relates to the drinks may be real or become part of the popular imagination. If you want to know what's true in each of the myths and facts about alcohol and drunkenness, please do not hesitate to read this note.
Questions about drinking alcohol and getting drunk
Is it recommended to eat something when you get up after us having a drink? Is it true that cheese or oil to reduce the effects of alcohol? Should we be abstemio or accustom the body to drink? Does drinking alcohol kill neurons? What is "know well drink"?Are many questions in relation to the spirit and in the majority of cases, we don't have an accurate answer to this respect. We can only know if it is or not a remedy if we test it, since we are not all equal, and maybe what works for one is not good for another.

Myths and facts about alcohol and drunkenness
You don't have to drink to get drunk
Sometimes, the body needs to think is drunk to behave in a certain way, for example, to act in uninhibited. Several experiments have proven this, causing some people to e.g. drink non-alcoholic beer without knowing it. And they acted as if they were really drunk. The 'placebo effect' is much stronger than was thought, since it does that the brain creates certain things that are not true.Drinking non-combat the cold
Insurance will know the history of the St. Bernard dogs that walk with a barrel of alcohol around the neck so that when rescuing someone of the Alps "between in heat" in Switzerland. However, the spirit which does is to have a warm feeling, not warms us from truth. This is due to that produced vasodilation of the skin, therefore immediately blush. So, Siberia friends drinking vodka without clothes in the snow, must know that it is all an illusion.
Most of the alcohol is metabolized in the liver
This is true, why is that those who drink much have liver problems. What if it is false is the fact of jogging to sweat the ethanol that we have drunk. No matter how warm you are or the burden of the exercise, will only serve to eliminate 10% of alcohol through the pores. The rest, even if you do not want it, inevitably pass through your liver. Why not serve some home remedies for not getting drunk as be eating yogurt or oil. And less breakfast with beer or sumo tomato to remove the hangover the next day. Leaves the liver to do its work quiet but not overdo at times extras that should make this vital organ.Drinking is not to forget
Surely you have trying ever get drunk to forget a love, to stop having notion of economic problems or for any other reason. However, the effect of alcoholic beverages is quite the opposite. So, since stimulates certain areas of the brain that are responsible for memory and learning. Surely you're done crying at the table of a bar by that girl who has left or by a love unrequited, exactly the opposite of what you wanted to achieve.Neurons do not die when we drink
What actually happens is that the Synapse that make among themselves, is slightly affected by alcohol, but is only when in excess and for an extended period. The day after drinking a little, your mind will return to normal, and the amount of neurons will be intact. So, in that you should not worry.
The two glasses of wine daily, are excessive
Perhaps the doctor has told you that drinking a glass of wine at lunch and another for dinner is the ideal to keep in good health, the heart and the blood, however, it seems that that measure is somewhat exaggerated. New research suggests that the ideal amount is reduced to half cup daily in the case of wine or a pint if you choose beer.The alcohorexia affects more women
This disease also known as ebriorexia, combining alcohol with bulimia and anorexia. I.e., the person not only do not eat food that only drink alcohol. It tends to affect more women of less than 30 years and causes psychological disorders anxiety, as well as malnutrition and menstrual problems.Drink only on weekends is worse than Monday to Friday
Many believe that if they abstain from alcoholic beverages between the week, then on Saturday get drunk do not have problems, since the Sunday afternoon has been in the past. However, this is not true, because abusing alcohol during weekend doubles the risk of suffering a heart attack, in relation to the consumption of Monday through Friday.
More alcohol is consumed in America
Statistics indicate that the continent where alcohol consumption is higher is America. The average in the 35 countries that make up what is 8.5 litres of pure alcohol per year. The average in the other continents is 6 litres. Alcoholic beverages are related to greater attention in public hospitals absences at work, domestic violence, suicides, accidents of transit, street brawls, etc.The color of the drink if you import
If you want to drink a few drinks but don't get drunk, necessary that you do not mix drinks, i.e., that always stay the same. A "game" to find out how you lift up the other day has to do with the color of what there is in the glass. Is said that how much darker is tone, you will feel worse after. This is because the congeners, a component of many drinks. Making a descending order of the hangover symptoms would be: cognac, wine, rum, whiskey, Geneva, vodka.The medical term for hangover is "veisalgia"
Depending on the country, you can receive the nickname of raw, surf, guayabo, hangover or Futsu-ka-yoi. But in medicine, used Word is derived from the Norwegian "kveis" which means unrest and "algia" Greek which means pain. Researchers from the Imperial College in London are working to get an alcoholic beverage that does not generate hangover the next day, although if you have the same feeling of drunkenness. And the effect of drunkenness could be eliminated with an antidote.
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