If you spend much time in front of the computer do not forget to maintain a correct posture do stretches every 20 minutes and moving the neck to avoid contractures

If you spend many hours in front of the PC or if you wake up in bed unable to move you every morning, so is time that you take a look at these tips to treat neck pain.
What causes neck pain?
The neck is formed by a complex structure of cervical vertebrae, nerves and muscles that protect the esophagus and larynx. As of curved shape, holds the head (which weighs between 3 and 5 kg) and is very vulnerable to strains, aches and stiffness. Among the most common causes for neck pain:- stress
- poor posture
- keep your head tilted up or down for many hours
- use a wrong pillow
- injury
- muscle spasms by sudden movements
Exercises to treat neck pain
These processes will help you to relieve your frequent neck pain:- Looking for a quiet place where you can relax. Bedtime boja up (as far as possible on the floor) and close your eyes. Move the neck for both sides as if you say 'No', the movements must be slow. Then, tilt the head toward the two shoulders. Repeat for a few minutes. It is well stretched arms.
- Sitting in a Chair well supported back in the back, perform the same exercises that are explained above. Add: making slow circles with the head starting with the Chin touching chest, go towards the right shoulder, pull back and move to the left shoulder, completing the circle. Do the same for the other side.
- Rubbing technique: slides your hands on all the neck, top down, making slight pressure. Then repeat from the ear up to the shoulders. Do this movement 10 times in each sector. Then "knead" the area, traveling with the thumb and other fingers also 10 times.

- To stretch and strengthen the neck, tilting the head as far down as possible and returns back as much as you can. Tip: when you go backwards, opens his mouth as if you were to yawning, so the muscles eliminate tension.
- Another option: the same thing that above but using slight pressure with the hand on the nape of the neck going down and in the front to back.
- Practice yoga. This exercise is excellent for release throughout the body pains, because helps to stretch and to treat the stiffness of the muscles. A class per week to start coming you wonders.
Natural remedies to relieve neck pain
In addition to the exercises that you should do every day (and not only when you hurt the neck), there are some natural treatments to alleviate this tension that does not let you live:- Prepare a bath with an infusion containing two tablespoons of honey, four-leaf lettuce and three orange peels in half a liter of water that has been boiled for 20 minutes. Add to the bath with hot water and take a bath of immersion. It helps to relax the area.
- Slide several times by the neck towel with Rosemary or Marjoram essential oil. You can also use a few drops of tincture of arnica.
- Massage your neck at least two times a day with a mixture of one bar of camphor and medium head garlic crushed.
- Applied to the painful area a bag of crushed ice, cover with a towel or kitchen towel. This will reduce swelling in the neck. Then place a towel wet with hot water 10 minutes to relax.
How to avoid neck pain
If you don't want this awful pain afflicts you every day, then, pay attention to the following recommendations put into practice from now on:- Sleep on a firm mattress. If several long ago that you do not change it, is time to make the effort and buy a new one. When the springs are no longer as strong or filling has reduced its size, it is not. The mattress should be firm to keep the head horizontally.
- Prevents sleep with very high pillows. They are recommended to those that are shredded rather than the solid foam. An interesting alternative are the "neck pillows", because they give more support to the head. One day you can try sleeping without a pillow, perhaps your neck does not need it.
- Sit in a firm Chair and in a good position. The spine also includes the bones that are at the base of the skull, if you don't have the proper support, you'll have more chances of suffering pain in the neck and shoulder area.
- Use a towel or pillow when you are sitting, so alinearás better spinal column and therefore the neck. Don't need to be wet, only to roll it.
- Accommodates the screen of your PC if you use it all day at work. You must be at the same level as the view, so the neck is 'right' and does not have to look down or up.
- Lifting objects from the soil with care. Bend your knees and keep your back straight with her legs open, as far as possible, over the object. To upload it, keep it as closely as possible to the body.
- For women, avoid using too high-heeled shoes, because it diverts the spine and causes the neck to "get out", causing much pain.
- You never sleep upside down, because as well as jeopardize the back, also damaged the vertebrae of the neck. Opt for the "fetal" position, i.e., side and with your knees into your chest. Sleep on the stomach strength to head "up" breathing.
- Is your neck when it is cold or there is moisture, even in summer evenings, because the breeze aggravates the stiffness and pain in the neck.
- Avoid bad habits such as washing the hair in the sink, holding the phone with the neck, shaving his head tilted back, etc.
- Take frequent breaks by changing positions, especially if you are a long time sitting in front of the PC. Takes a few steps, stretch or move your head at least every hour.
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