The fiber has a high satiating power. The not be able to digest it or absorb it, our body gets rid of it and it drives out toxic substances. It also promotes the Elimination of bad cholesterol

Nutritionists do not always share views in terms of what are the essential foods in our diet. However, the importance of fiber is one of the issues on which everyone is agreed.
In this article you will learn by what regular fiber consumption helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases and it is the healthiest way to consume it.
What is cardiovascular disease?
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and are disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels. They include, among others, coronary heart disease (heart attacks), diseases cerebrovascular (stroke), hypertension, arrhythmias, peripheral vascular diseases, congenital heart disease, rheumatic heart disease and heart failure.Factors influencing these diseases:
- Smoking
- Alcoholism
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Unbalanced power
- Obesity
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes

The metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome, also known as Syndrome X, is a set of diseases that is increasingly common, especially in countries like United States. Disorders including, are the arterial hypertension, elevated glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels and excess fat around the waist, They are characterized by increase the risk of developing heart disease.As we will explain below, fiber can fulfil an important role in the treatment of these disorders and, therefore, in the prevention of heart diseases.
Does fiber gives us something?
The great benefit of fiber is not what brings us to nutritional, but precisely what helps us to eliminate. Its composition makes that not we can digest or absorb, so that the body has no choice other that remove it without that would cause him no negative effect. On the contrary, more fiber eat, more we contribute to that you can drag a greater amount of potentially toxic substances in our bodies to the outside through the intestine. In addition, it also facilitates the Peristaltic movements which favour the evacuation and fight constipation.Less cholesterol and triglycerides
In addition to drag the toxins and improve the intestinal transit, fiber fulfills a very important function related to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Fiber provides that cholesterol is removed with feces while it hinders the absorption of this as fat. On the other hand, it also influences the decreased levels of triglycerides in blood.Against obesity
Fiber containing foods naturally has a high satiating power, which makes that we have no need to eat so much. This contributes to balanced weight and combat obesity, which is one of the factors that increase cardiovascular health.Another beneficial property of fiber to help us to lose weight or to maintain an ideal weight is the ability that has eliminate part of the sugars that we have eaten, which also impact positively in the control of glucose in blood.

How do we eat it?
Since nutritionists have recommended increasing fiber intake also we could see how expanding the range of products enriched with fibre. However, the fiber that your body assimilates healthier is what foods contain naturally, and not the added artificially. Excessive consumption of these enriched products can cause flatulence, bloating, poor absorption of other nutrients and other digestive disorders.The best option is to choose fiber-rich foods:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Legumes
- Whole grains
- Nuts and dried fruits
- Seeds

It is essential to drink water
If we increase the consumption of fiber also we should pay special attention to the amount of water we drink out of the meals, which will be essential for digesting the fiber. Should drink between a liter and a half and two litres of water a day.If until now we do not ingeríamos too much fiber, the first days we make it can feel some digestive discomfort or even have a little bit of constipation, as part of the transition process. We ease these disorders increase the consumption of water and taking some natural laxative such as psyllium (Plantago psyllium) or flax seeds.
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