The sunlight can be your great ally. Don't let your sorrow to prevent you going out. Waking up every morning with the intention of eat the world

It is possible that right now, you're going through a bad time. Can that in your life, happened or simply find a difficult to explain existential vacuum. Sadness sometimes adheres, drowning our hearts. How to heal us from it?
How to overcome sadness slowly
Chronic sadness is the substrate of depression. We have to be careful. Think of the sadness as a disease that must be cured, such as muscle hardening and strengthening to hit our reality with the greatest possible energy. With the greatest of spirits.What is usually what we grieve? May it seem you that people are very different, each walk in our own particular world. But in reality, it hurts everyone. All affect us the same things: the feeling of loneliness, of not being understood or respected. We feel the contempt and abuse. The lies and betrayals.
And also we suffer sometimes without knowing very well why. For a vacuum? Do by having reached a point in our lives where we realize that we are not at all happy? Occasionally occurs. And it is normal. We then explain what guidelines you can follow to rationalize the sadness, and take you off of it in healthy way.
1 identifies what is affecting you

It may seem obvious but it is not always easy. Sometimes it is an accumulation of many things: something that did you your partner, feeling sure does not do what you really want but what others expect of you, a disappointment... Sometimes sadness does not have a single color. But a complex range you need to know to unravel.
2. do not stay still, you not locked you in house

The stillness we catch as a vine. Don't get beat. If you start to want to stay at home, without going out with your loved ones, aside from the social relations and preferring to be in the dark in bed, depression will have already taken a toll on you. Do not allow it. Take energy of yourself telling you that you won't let beat, you deserve to be happy and that any penalty is passed. That every problem has a solution. Nothing is eternal and you have the right to find your own peace of mind. That will make you smile the least expected day when you get up in the morning and say to yourself that: "today I'm well. Today I will eat me the world".
3. the sadness as a moment of reflection to get stronger

As you say, there is no dusk that it has not been expired in the morning. I.e., no penalty will be eternal, nor what today hurts both goes both escocer eternally. Everything will calm down and everything will be better. You must understand the sadness as a moment of reflection, a moment in which we have put our gaze inward to heal us, to repair such damage. And also to make decisions. This reflection that brings sadness should allow us to open our eyes towards the right direction. And you must be brave to take it, keep in mind that your happiness is worth it, and that does not make the right decisions or not to dare, can one day that expire you frustration. So do not hesitate, strengthens your self-esteem, salt strengthened after that dark tunnel that is the sadness.
4 asking for help, sometimes is necessary

Do not think you're going to can you single with everything. A helping hand, a shoulder that cry and a face that you attend with sincere expression when you talk to him, can be an invaluable aid. But choose either to the right person. There are those who don't know how to listen, there is who cares more for himself and doesn't show opening. Certainly in your close circle you have to that person who always has the best word for you, who cares what time that is to receive you and listen to you... Let us help. Loneliness is not always good when you are drowning us sadness.
5 look for your enthusiasm day after day

Episodes of sadness should help us to learn, take new directions and get stronger.
It is essential to find the sense in those things that surround you: your children smile, that couple that loves you, or those friends or relatives who do it all for you. Think that pet that always looks for your closeness, in that walk through the Park that you always enjoyed. Excited by a trip by a small change in your life. Or a big one. Define an objective and think what you could do to get it.
And so, every day, with that well on spark, will end up burning the lethargy of sadness. That which adheres and which sometimes doesn't let us see how beautiful that is life. Beware, be happy every day. You deserve it.
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