Caffeine helps to compensate for the loss of strength. Whether you are a sportsman, know that the consumption of coffee you won't after exercise gives energy to the muscle

If you've always thought coffee as a Vice, be happy knowing that in reality is a drink that can help you to be healthy. And If you exercise, caffeine, can also provide even more benefits for your health. Here are 5 reasons to drink coffee, maintain an active lifestyle and enjoy all the benefits that can offer us this drink.
1 improves circulation
A recent Japanese research studied the effects of coffee on the movement of persons who were not regular coffee drinkers. Each participant took a cup of 5 ounces of regular or decaffeinated coffee. Later, scientists calibrated the flow of blood from your finger, a measure for how well run the smaller blood vessels of the body. Which is drank caffeinated coffee experienced a 30 percent increase in blood flow during a 75-minute period, compared with those who drank decaffeinated version. Therefore, a coffee in the morning or after eating helps you have better circulation.2 reduces muscle pain

Scientists at the University of Illinois found that consuming caffeine equivalent to two to three cups of coffee one hour before a bout 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise reduces muscle pain perception. The conclusion is that the caffeine can help to exercise a little harder during exercise of force or even other types of training, resulting in improved muscle strength or resistance.
3 improving memory

A study published this year by Johns Hopkins University found that caffeine improves memory up to 24 hours once it is consumed. The researchers gave to people who do not consume caffeine regularly, either 200 milligrams of caffeine or a placebo five minutes after studying a series of images. The next day, they were asked both groups to remember the images and the group that had taken caffeine had significantly better results. This means that the coffee can help us have a better memory. This impulse to the brain can be very useful in our day to day.
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