Rice is one of the staple foods of many cultures, but in the majority of cases consumed variety of white rice, basmati rice consumption is minority, wild, red or integral.
In this article we explain the benefits of eating the rice, already a difference of white rice, contains fiber and more minerals and vitamins, and can eat it regularly to purify your body and prevent multiple diseases, as well as some tips for cooking in the most delicious way and original.
White rice or brown rice
- White rice can cause constipation, while comprehensive, rich in fiber, rice helps to improve bowel function. On the other hand, we recommend the rice in cases of diarrhea and gastroenteritis.
- Bran or fiber Brown rice contains minerals and vitamins, while its content in white rice is pretty minor.
- Fiber helps that Brown rice assimilate more slowly than white, and thus also remain balanced levels of glucose.
- Bran helps prevent cholesterol, triglycerides, and colon cancer.
- Fiber-rich foods are more satiating than the refined and in addition are digested more slowly, so they are ideal in cases of slimming diets, especially if there is anxiety.
- Brown rice contains more protein than white rice.
- Brown rice is slightly higher in fat, but their fiber content helps to assimilate them better.

How is it cooked?
Brown rice has to cook for longer than white and with more water. We recommend washing it first and even put it to soak a few hours before, as if it were a legume.The ratio is a cup of rice to 3 cups of waterand the cooking time is usually between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the vessel, the type of rice, etc.
Put to boil the rice in the still-cold water and add salt at the end, since salt will help that rice stops open.
Three days debugging
Once or twice a year can make a depurative cure based on brown rice. Choose a brown rice preferably ecological and during those three days we will eat only Brown rice cooked with vegetables (carrot, celery, leek, cabbage), oil extra virgin olive and a bit of sea salt. We can also drink of rice.During these three days, we will also take depuratives infusions of dandelion, burdock and nettle.
This treatment will help us clean the intestines, the liver, kidneys and skin, and we also lose a bit of weight in a balanced way, above all from fat in the waist and excess fluids.

Tips for cooking
Some people say that Brown rice is boring, but the reality is that it is much tastier and you can even combine it with other very nutritious as red, black or basmati rice.In addition, we give you some original suggestions:
- A delicious way of cooking it is to fry the raw with olive oil and garlic rice, before adding the broth and Cook as usual. This method will give you a toast and aromatic taste.
- We can prepare a rice pudding different cooking Brown rice with rice drink, cinnamon and lemon and orange skin. We will have a dessert very satiating and digestive, and lactose free.
- Brown rice drink is also a very healthy choice. Let the rice soak overnight, the next day we batiremos it well and strain with a cloth strainer. Then we can sweeten the drink and add cinnamon, vanilla, cocoa, etc.
- For people who don't like also give the opportunity to eat it including it in vegetable creams.
- We can also replace the white rice in some traditional recipes, such as the paella or the sushi. Just adjust the cooking time to this type of rice.
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