A typical dish from the kitchen of Italy, is as if outside a tortilla or loaf of bread in the region Romagna, so also is it known as Piadina Romagnola. Once you learn how to prepare the base of the pan, then you can fill it out as you like. To provide piadina to your friends and family, read this note.
Basic recipe of piadina
For starters, you have to learn how to prepare the traditional piadina.You will need:
- 320 grams flour
- 50 grams of pig butter
- 7 grams of sodium bicarbonate
- 10 grams of salt
- 160 grams of water
The preparation is very simple:

- 1 - in a bowl place the flour first, then the baking soda, salt and finally pork to room temperature butter.
- 2-mix well so that everything is integrated and butter permeate everything.
- 3Add a little water.
- 4 - first knead in the bowl and then into the countertop to obtain a homogeneous and well malleable dough.
- 5 - wrapped in a cloth or plastic wrap and let stand for 30 minutes.
- 6divides the dough into balls of similar size.
- 7-stretches with the rolling pin floured rolling pin to make a blade you fine round (if you are not well how to use a dish).
- 8 - repeat with all the balls of dough and stack them using a little flour each other, so that they don't stick...
- 9 - heated a pan where it fit perfect the pidianas and have some vegetable spray (or very little butter), toasting each circle of dough.
- 10-a measure that you're toasting them, place them in under a cloth so that conserve heat.
- 11can fill as you wish and at the table.
Recipe Basic N ° 2 of piadina
Another idea to prepare these tortillas Romagna that you can then fill in as you like.Ingredients:
- 500 grams of flour
- 2 tablespoons baking powder
- 2 tablespoons salt
- 100 grams of butter
- 200 ml milk
- 1 - in a bowl, sift the flour with the yeast and salt.
- 2 - Add the butter at room temperature and mix to make a sort of sand you.
- 3-make a hole in the Center and pour the milk.
- 4-mix well with a spoon and then knead.
- 5-pass to the countertop and is still working on the dough until elastic.
- 6cover with a plastic wrap and leads to the fridge for 4 hours.
- 7 - divide the dough into six parts.
- 8-beam tortillas with each using a roller (should be about 20 cm in diameter).
- 9 - heat a frying pan with a little butter and toasted the pidianas three minutes on each side
Fillings for piadina
Now that you already know to prepare the piadina, so it is time that you innoves in the filling. Some options are:Stuffed with bechamel sauce, bacon and mushroom with mustard sauce

- 250 grams of mushrooms
- 150 grams of bacon
- 1 onion
For the bechamel:
- 500 grams of milk
- 30 grams of butter
- 50 grams of flour
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- Salt and oil
For the mustard sauce:
- 2 tablespoons mustard
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Steps to follow:
- 1-fry the bacon cut into strips and reserve.
- 2 - cut onion and fry it in the same pan, when it is transparent, adds filleted mushrooms. Cook 15 minutes.
- 3-make the bechamel: melt the butter and mix with cornstarch and flour. Add a little warm milk and beat with electric rods.
- 4pour onions with mushrooms and bacon to the béchamel.
- 5 - prepared mustard sauce by mixing three ingredients.
- 6-stuffed with bechamel sauce half of each piadina preparation and pour mustard sauce before closing it.
Stuffed with ham and cheese
- 200 grams of cooked ham
- 150 grams of cheese curing semi
- 180 grams of cream or evaporated milk
- 100 grams of grated Parmesan cheese
- Black pepper, salt and nutmeg
- 1 - hot milk or cream with pepper and nutmeg.
- 2dice the ham and cheese and pour the previous preparation.
- 3 - sprinkle with grated cheese and let it cook one minute more, book so that it cools.
- 4 - when the filling is at room temperature and you can place it on the piadina.
- 5 - so that the cheese melts, is baked in a pan greased for two minutes.
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