12 consequences of not sleeping well

Lack of sleep affects us physical and psychological level. A good night's sleep is associated with a longer life expectancy.
12 consecuencias de no dormir bien
Scientific studies more and give more evidence that not sleeping well can affect our daily lives and our health. There are multiple consequences, both physical and psychological, when we fail to have a restful sleep.
According to experts, a person should sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day to maintain optimum physical, emotional and mental state. However, changes in the lifestyle of today have done that I will spoil much the quality of sleep and the ideal time to rest.
So you realize all the effects that you may experience when you're not sleeping well, then we give you a list with 12 consequences which has not sleep.

Want to eat in excess, and anxiety

Lack of sleep is related to the desire to eat excessively, especially in the evening when metabolism slows. As a result, we increase the consumption of calories and carbohydrates, which will make us gain weight more easily.
Also, to when we sleep not enough we have more tendency to want to eat food more quickly, even if we don't actually feel hungry.

Higher risk of having an accident

According to an investigation carried out by the FundaciĆ³n Nacional of the dream of United States, people who fail to sleep at least 6 hours a day, triple the risk of having an accident with your car by driving with sleep, due to effects on the eye coordination. And if you don't have some kind of vehicle to have an accident, anyway will suffer the effects being more clumsy.

Weakening of the immune system

When we don't have a good night's sleep and prevented our body to rest properly, our immune system is weakened and, as a result, we have more prone to colds, colds and respiratory infections.

Uncontrolled emotions

When we don't sleep well the emotional parts of the brain are most active, 60%, causing us to more uncontrolled and inappropriate reactions. A study conducted by the University of California and Harvard Medical School in 2007 might as well try.

Less physical attractiveness

Envejecimiento prematuro
There is no doubt that a sue or repairman is key to look better physically and keep us in shape. As evidenced by several investigations, when we don't sleep well, we have a more decayed appearance, which is especially reflected in our face. Over time this can worsen and lead to premature aging.

Weakening of the brain tissue

Spend only one night without sleep can times the weakening and loss of brain tissue. This is calculated by the blood levels of two brain molecules that tend to increase by brain damage.

Poor memory and concentration problems

The fact not rest enough and have a dream little repair affects our ability to concentrate and makes us more forgetful. At the same time, this problem may affect our capacity for learning and retention of concepts.

It increases the risk of a stroke

Ictus cerebral
In the long run, not sleeping well and have poor sleep habits can increase the risk of having a cerebral effusion, especially in adults and the elderly.

Risk of obesity

In addition, our anxiety about food increases during those hours in which we can not get to sleep. Numerous studies claim that not sleeping well affects metabolism and hormones as ghrelin and leptin, which regulates appetite, change their levels considerably.

Increased risk of cancer

Although it seems to have nothing to do, investigations have determined that people who do not sleep well have greater risk of colorectal polyps, which can be evil with the passage of time. In addition, other studies have linked it with the development of breast cancer.

Heart disease

A study published by Harvard Health Publications says that lack of good sleep is associated with increased hypertension, obstruction in arteries and heart problems.

Less life expectancy

Sleep well is synonymous with quality of life and more years. This was revealed in an investigation of the journal Sleep, which for a long time was devoted to studying the bedtime of 1 741 men and women habits. It was determined that those who slept less had a higher risk of dying at an early age compared with those who slept well.
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