Your shadows only seek to complete you and complement you, not bitter you life. Remember that they are part of you.

Hello:"Love entails suffering because you can lose it, but refusing to love to avoid the suffering does not solve it, since it suffers for not having it. Then, if happiness is love, and love is suffering, then, I say, the happiness is also suffering.Sonia, in love and death, by Woody Allen.
I know you are there, stalking me. I also follow you closely for years.
You are witness of my internal combat but you do nothing to remedy it. Only me you look at, impassive... don't you understand!!
As you are part of me, I have set name, I hope you like it and you do not import. You are going to call sadness, fatigue and emotional Vertigo.
I have many years to deny me your existence and even fighting against you... But today I realized that I want to hug and hear what you have to tell me. At the end and all, if you had never come close to me would not know joy, vitality and courage.
So I reserve the right to make use of you, hide me, feel bad when something is right or when something isn't right. Reserve it because otherwise I press and I depress.
These are my shadows and are actually not so dark. They ask me to understand them and they tell me that what I feel is life and that the world is the paradise that I want to create.
Sadness, not your fault no one you want
Is that have sold us that we must feel good and avoid suffering. They have told us that you are negative and that we have to get out if we want to live a full life.But I've decided that I want to be your friend, that I can be sad, that it is normal that it is and, in fact, I should be occasionally.
I never thought that I would say this but... You're part of me. With you I can be me. Without masks and shields. I need you.

Of course, I will not hide more and, if necessary, the whole world shout you in my bad days you're with me to help me. You have taught me that not all the moments can be good and that I have to learn from it.
Anyway, I'll explain this a little better... It turns out that bad feeling and believing himself to be mentally healthy or suffering and living life do not form good cultural couples. Also, if someone say "I feel bad but I'm fine", look you surprised trying to discern what is its peculiarity.
We have fallen in trap of demanding too much from optimism to our lives. We have ignored that we should not learn the lesson without questioning it, and now, we pay the consequences of assuming that not suffer is a value upward for the account of the life, and that the right thing is to move our million to avoid complications and then "have life".
Fatigue, please advise me
Fatigue, do know what is the problem we have with you? That I do not understand that you are coming to spend a few days with us to bring us a message."Switch off the autopilot and begins to cultivate your inner". I have your words crammed into my mind, only that I can not find the right answer mode.
I understand that when you come is because my body is no longer able to manage me that sedative that allows me to hide problems and "personhood" day after day.
I pledge to not move more and to serve you. I have to leave behind the fear of life when I wake up every day. Try not to reach my limit to not give you too much work.
Vertigo, chastise my chains
Vertigo, not your fault that you fear, is but you have to understand that the heights, overlooking most of us fear especially if they are emotional.As you will understand, the ropes have come to be an important part of our day to day. Moreover, the more we tighten, harder is we get rid of them.In addition, we cannot tolerate the uncertainty, so we resist to loosen the ropes that imprison us.

Finally, Vertigo, thanks for teaching me that you have to let go of what no longer belongs me. Life is much better if you live in freedom.
I promise that I will work me and I'm going to let drop that I cross. Finally and after all, the only thing that make the ropes with me is to take dust.
All have shadows
My shadows and yours are fighting against the flood of positive quotes and motivational posters that forcing them to hiding behind a wall of paper and feed on repression.The sad thing and the negative need their space in our lives because, otherwise, it will explode and we drown. It is that we have no right not to frown when it rather upsets us, already worth give in to tyranny and dictatorship of the excessive optimism.
If sadness, fatigue, or dizziness us say that something is not going well and that we should worry is something; because If we sintiƩsemos never sad would not know to assess what is not to be.Don't let that they make you to be always happy, because our sadness is the only one that helps us to appreciate the joy.
Nor is being pessimistic or melancholy, people only that is not rather than be called depressive to our shadows when above are helping us survive.

Therefore, defend our shadows is to accept and reject our natural reactions stop. If we accept that they exist they won't suffer trying to avoid them or us majoritys will balk because whenever we find us embrace more forcefully.
Therefore, it is preferable to let them enter our House and leaving you to clarify our minds from time to time. Because, if there is someone that us does not lie in this world, those are our shadows. Because, when you let them pass, tell us that it's worth fighting because it is worth being happy.Because before the supermarket's reasoning, and recipes for nearly everything, our shadows we shout until they get that he hurts us the soul. Because they want us to understand that not know live in the moment or have no desire to smile always does not mean not having a full life.Because it's healthy "live thinking that I will feel well but sometimes I feel bad" that "living with the obligation of making us feel good to be able to be happy". The only thing we have to do is to admit that not only are black or white, but that life is full of shades (as many as our circumstances).
Only that's why we reserve us the right to use our sadness when we square. Because our shadows do not seek to harm us, but to remind us that we are living a life that has no way back.
It is time to leave combat that destroys us, accept our shadows as an inevitable part of life and understand that peace comes only when there are no fronts open against ourselves.
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