Treatment for infections in the bladder, urethra and kidneys

Thanks to their vitamins and, in particular, Bromelain, the consumption of pineapple can help us to reduce infections and inflammations in the urinary tract
Tratamiento para infecciones en la vejiga, la uretra y los riñones
Infections in the urinary tract, tend to appear either in the bladder, the urethra or kidneys, there where we suffer the attack of certain bacteria. It is important to know also that, generally, are we, the women, who tend to suffer from this medical condition more often.
The reason? Our urethra is much shorter and is closer to the year than men. In addition, problems such as menopause can also cause this type of infections so common. It is for this reason that today, in our space, we want to show you what kind of power we should follow in those moments that we suffer any of these problems.
We take note?

Infections in the bladder, urethra and kidneys

A urinary tract infection can be located in different parts that will require attention and a certain treatment that your doctor will tell you. We, for our part, we can follow a proper diet that give us the antioxidants, vitamins and antibacterial properties at home that will help us, no doubt, to get this problem as soon as possible.
However, it is never more know what types of infections can suffer in our urinary tract:
  • Bladder: bladder infection is the most common and is known as cystitis or bladder infection.
  • Kidneys: Infection in the kidneys is already something more serious. If the problem is located in a single kidney infection is temporary, we would be talking of acute pyelonephritis, but if the problem persists and becomes also affect another kidney, we would already talk of chronic pyelonephritis. Either way, kidney infection is very painful and presents with fever, chills, and a very charged fatigue.
  • Ureters: Sometimes, these lines that connect the kidney to the bladder can also be certain infections, although it is not very common and is easily solved with medication.
  • Urethra: This type of infection is called urethritis and is located in the duct that leads the urine from the bladder to the outside. It is quite common.

Diet to resolve infections in the bladder, urethra and kidneys

1 infusion of Chamomile

Manzanilla (2)
It is often considered to Chamomile as one of the best natural remedies to treat urinary tract infections. It has antibacterial compounds that make it very effective to accelerate the healing of various infectious diseases. In addition, we can not forget that it is cleansing, so it will help you to eliminate bacteria in the urine. Takes note of how you should prepare it:
  • 20 grams of Chamomile
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
We will take this infusion twice a day, the first just to get up and the second afternoon. To do this, we will start by heating the glass of water, and once boiling, add 20 grams of Chamomile to make over 20 minutes cooking. After this time, turn off the heat and allow it to rest. He drinks little by little.
Baths with water of Chamomile
Another interesting option is to take a swim with chamomile water preparation would be as follows:
  • A liter of water.
  • 40 grams of Chamomile.
  • We will make cooking over 30 minutes, allowing 10 minutes then sit. The water for our intimate bath in the area of the genitals should be warm, never too hot. What we will do is bring this water to a bathtub and stay seated 15 minutes, until cool. In this way we benefit from its healing properties.

2 cranberry juice

Te de arandanos
Cranberry juice is one of the most effective natural drinks to solve those infections located in the bladder, since fights harmful bacteria attached to its walls and strengthens, that protects us from many diseases. Consumed a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice daily.

3. morning remedy with baking soda and lemon

Both baking soda and lemon juice are well-suited to relieve infections in the bladder, urethra and kidneys. The reason? Helps to reduce the pain and discomfort when urinating, without forgetting that this remedy acts alcalinizando our organism, which fight heartburn causing infections.
Maybe this surprise you, since lemon juice is acidic, but once your body metabolizes it, have a perfect alkalizing effect in urine to cure any irritated tissue in the urinary tract.
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (3 g)
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
Simply dissolve in the water those 3 grams of baking soda with lemon juice. The water should be at room temperature. Baby in fasting and over 5 days to go and see the results.

4. the benefits of pineapple

When it comes to combat problems in the urinary tract, the pineapple always has risen as one of the best fruits to reduce infections, debug bacteria and reduce inflammation. Thanks to Bromelain, we are going to accelerate the cure of these diseases so prevalent, so do not hesitate to take every day between 3 and 4 slices of pineapple.
To take advantage of it, take it 15 minutes before lunch and 15 minutes before your meal. Properties are higher if we consume it on an empty stomach.
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