They are perhaps not others that disappoint us, but our own expectations. We have to learn to put ourselves in the place of the other

It says the law of mirror to what we see in others is in fact a reflection of what we have inside, and that therefore If we want to be happy, our happiness is not dependent on others or ourselves.
We know the law of mirror, which teaches us how to manage our problems with others (family, friends, work, etc.) from a few exercises with ourselves.
The things that bother us
There are things that always bother us. That our sister-in-law will always tell us the same in family meals, which our parents want to control our life, too much that our children are not sincere with us, that we are not values at work, that our brothers are selfish, that our friends do not support us as we wish. We always hope that others act in a certain way and however often we feel disappointed. However, are we aware that perhaps we also are cheating them on other things?As first exercise we propose make a list with all the things that bother us from the people who surround us.

Our things that bother others
But now we are going to do it in reverse, and we will make another list by putting things that can bother or have annoyed at some point these people. To do it we must be sincere and self-critical about ourselves. We are not perfect, we're human, and we know that we are wrong many times. That is why it is important to learn to be empathetic, i.e. to put ourselves in the place of the other.What says the law of mirror
Mirror law teaches us that if in fact we feel something negative to a person, the cause is in our hearts, and not the other person. For example, if we are offended by what we have said, that is because also we are offending someone, perhaps not to that person but yes to another. And if we learn to realize, and above all to avoid it, possibly also let feel offended us. It is curious as not all people react like the same situation. Because not all have the same heart.A practical exercise
We will choose one of those people that we can't take anything for which we feel wounded, offended or angry, and are going to make a list of things that we would like to thank you. In some cases this may surprise us very much and even disturbing, and we make a great effort, but it will be worth it. Surely ever has done something by us or any of our family, has had some detail, has helped us on something, etc. will dedicate the time that is needed.Then, even more difficult, we will make a list by exposing things that we would like to apologise, although they are small details. We have perhaps watched it poorly, we have lacked respect, we said something cruel, we have criticized it on their backs or we have forgotten to thank you for something. Here is a true exercise in humility, but the third and final step is only for the bravest people.
We will get in contact with that person (personally, by phone or by letter), we give thanks for all the reasons that are targeted on the list, and ask forgiveness for all the things from the second list.

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