The 10 foods that improve your heart health

Los 10 alimentos que mejoran tu salud cardíaca
High cholesterol, hypertension, obesity... Many are silent diseases that day by day are damaging our heart health unless we realize. In addition, an aspect that we must not neglect is that the symptoms of heart disease in women tend to pursue in a way different to men.
In our case, we tend to attribute that tiredness and that chest pain or neck to stress, small signs that we don't pay attention until it is too late. So, and if we start changing some habits of our life? How about if now we include in our diet these foods that you love to your heart?
Take note!

1. the avocado

Your heart loves avocado. Do you know why? Because you will help keep the bad cholesterol or LDL, since this delicious fruit is an ally of fabulous, rich in monounsaturated fats, such as beneficial for our body and that we should take every day.
Discover what other positive aspects offers you the avocado:
  • Eat avocado half a day will help you to better absorb nutrients from food.
  • Avocado is rich in folic acid (vitamin B9), an essential element to promote heart health.
  • It is rich in vitamin A, C, D, E, B6, B12 and K.
  • It protects our immune system, improves our cognitive and nervous systems.
  • Avocado helps to regulate the level of fats in the blood.

2. Brown rice

Many of us are not accustomed to cooking with rice. However, the benefits we are so high that we should use it regularly. Eat rice integral implies maintaining one of the best diets to take care of our heart, because it is rich in starch that regulate their operation and that, Furthermore, help us balance our blood pressure.
And not only that: the brown rice is rich in iron, calcium and sodium than normal, has no fat and gives us a greater sense of satiety to take much longer to digest.

3. the salmon

It may be a bit more expensive than other fish, but salmon is one of the best food for our hearts. Do you want to know why?
  • It is a natural source of fatty acids omega 3.
  • It reduces inflammation.
  • Salmon lowers high cholesterol.
  • It regulates our tension.
  • It reduces strokes.
Are they not sufficient reasons to convince you? We encourage you to eat twice a week.

4. the oats

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We love the Oatmeal! There is no healthier way to start the day than with a good bowl of this cereal so tasty and beneficial for our heart, our brain and our digestive system.
In addition, we can not forget that oats is very rich in beta-glucan, an essential element for regulating our heart and lower blood sugar levels.

5 almonds and walnuts

Frutos secos
Nuts that you like to your heart are, without a doubt, almonds and walnuts. Perfect if you eat 3 nuts every day in your breakfast and between hours, to remove hunger, for example, you eat about 4 or 5 almonds. It is the ideal amount that will reduce your bad cholesterol, voltage balancing and will also give you a good amount of magnesium.

6. an Apple

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One piece, no more no less. Eat an Apple a day and take care of your heart. How many times have you heard this expression? It is completely true, so feel free to include it in your breakfast or carry in your handbag for eat it when you come you hunger to noon.
That Yes, it is very important that you remember to consume it with skin, since it is here where are those antioxidants as necessary, able to reduce the production of inflammatory molecules that cause heart attacks so you don't forget to wash the Apple thoroughly before you take that first bite!
This Apple daily will also help you to reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good (HDL), will reduce the level of sugar in blood, will provide you with fiber and vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and flavonoids.

7. the carrots

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The best way to eat them is raw. Therefore remember to wash them well and then, if desired, grate them very finite to put in your salads. They will provide you vitamin A and rich antioxidants, ideal to take care of your heart.

8. the fruits of the forest

We know that it is not easy to find them in our markets. However, they are perhaps more healthy fruits for our hearts. Berries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries.... Small delicacies ideal to maintain a healthy heart, thanks to antioxidants, vitamins can prevent heart disease, magnesium and potassium which regulate blood pressure, without forgetting the folate, capable of avoiding that we padezcamos infarcts.

9. the extra virgin olive oil

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You can take every morning in a spoonful of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juicefasting, or you can, for example, drop a good splash on your salads. You can consume it the way you want, because olive oil is that treasure of nature, which always takes care of your heart. And it will help you to live more years!

10. the lentils

Lentils are the delicious resource through which to obtain a very high level of protein from plants, ideal to take care of your heart. Furthermore, they are rich in fiber and phytosterols magnificent for our heart health. Encourage you to eat them!
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