4 healthy ways of eating avocado: enjoy them!

4 formas saludables de comer aguacate: ¡Disfrútalas!
I love avocado! In our space you have spoken very often its benefits, of this natural treasure of vitamins contained in its Green pulp and, above all, of its monounsaturated fatty acids suitable for our heart health and reduce bad cholesterol.
It is also interesting to know that the experts often call the avocado "green butter", i.e., is a food rich in good fats which, used properly, can be an ideal complement to help lose weight.
You know at what times of the day it is more advisable to eat your serving of avocado? In your breakfast and your dinner. So, today we want to show you 4 ways to eat avocado that are going to be very useful in these times of the day.
We take note?

1 avocado-Banana Smoothie

aguacate batido


  • A small chopped avocado.
  • A banana.
  • A glass of oat (200 ml) milk.
  • A teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).


  • This smoothie is ideal to start the day with maximum energies. A natural cocktail full of vitamins and minerals that will help feel quenched until lunch time. To prepare it, does not require special complication - will do it little more than 5 minutes.
  • The first thing we will do is to prepare our small avocado. Peel it and then chop it with a fork to make a paste well finite. Then, Peel the banana and carry it to the mixer together with the avocado.
  • Now add this glass of oat milk, will give you a super flavor. Whisk all ingredients well and get a good homogeneous mixing, lump-free. If you add the teaspoon of honey, you will get a drink even more rich and healthy. You'll love!

2 Avocado wrapped with ham


  • Half avocado.
  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • 1 teaspoon pepper (4 g).
  • 3 slices of ham.


  • We assure you that this way of taking avocado is delicious, healthy and nutritious. Ideal to prepare a quick dinner that you can combine, for example, with any vegetable soup. You'll have it done in a few minutes and it will become, without a doubt, one of your favorite dishes.
  • Point out to you that for that calorie level is not very high, enough to prepare ourselves in this case only medium avocado. The amount just and appropriate to combine with ham and to provide us the maximum m proteins without excessive calories.
  • We will start getting that half half avocado for, then cut it into three pieces. Next? Very easy. We put that half a lemon, juice that we humedeceremos these three pieces of avocado in a bowl.
  • Now you can now sprinkle with pepper, which will give you a much more intense flavor.
  • Finally, it is you just wrap each piece of avocado with its respective slice of ham. Can you imagine the taste? It is sensational!

3. Sandwich with avocado and strawberries



  • 2 slices of rye bread.
  • Half avocado.
  • 6 strawberries.


  • We bring you another option for breakfast, Quick, easy, delicious and full of multiple benefits perfect to start the day. The first thing we will do will be to toast our two slices of rye bread. In this way, they will be much more nice and crispy.
  • The next step is to get that half of avocado to chop it with the help of a fork in order to obtain a finite well cream that will allow us to spread on toast. Very easy!
  • Now what we do is thoroughly clean the strawberries and cut them in half.
  • Finally it becomes, without doubt, the best. Once you have good crisp your slices of rye bread, spread with avocado cream for, then place the strawberries by over. do we give already a first bite? Can you imagine the taste of this incredible combination? Don't hesitate to try it.

3. avocado with brown rice

aguacate (2)

Ingredients for two people

  • An avocado.
  • ½ Cup Brown rice.
  • 2 cups (500 ml) water.
  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • 2 tsp. (4 g) soy sauce.
  • 1 small can of tuna in brine.
  • A little white pepper.


  • The amount in this case is also the fair for one dinner light that you can accompany, if desired, by some soup. It is for two people and, in this case, both tocaríais to medium avocado for each. It's a recipe for oriental style which will bring you a flavor very original and stimulating to the palate, so do not hesitate to test it on a special occasion.
  • The first thing we will do will be to cook the rice with those two cups of water. While it is cooked, you can start preparing the avocado. What to do in this case is cut it into squares, then soak them once again in the lemon juice.
  • Once ready, we can now prepare Brown rice. Distribution in the two bowls or dishes where you go to serve him and first seasoned with soy sauce. Then, already added Tin of tuna, trying to make fall the whole chunks without Tin oil. Removes well.
  • Then add the avocado cubes soaked in lemon juice, well distributed between the two dishes. Finally, sprinkle on top with the white pepper. An original, healthy and ideal dish for a light dinner that you'll love to try.

Images courtesy: Taste-Mcbell, John G, Gourmet avocado
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