Do you forget things? You lead a very stressful life and sometimes hard to concentrate? Don't worry or spend money in drugs that are not always, always uses the wise nature to get what you need. This delicious shake made with oatmeal, strawberries and Brewer's yeast can be your great partner to improve memory.
How can you help me oats and Brewer's yeast to improve my memory?

It is possible that you have heard of this simple milkshake that is usually prepared in the morning to start the day with maximum energy, health and nutritional minerals. The result of combining the oats and Brewer's yeast is a vitamin compound suitable for the whole family and produces benefits to people of all ages. But even more, it is a classic remedy to improve memory in these periods of maximum stress, and also to improve the synaptic connectivity in the elderly. As you can see, it is ideal both for children, adults and also for our elders. Don't miss the opportunity to try it. Below are more details:
Benefits of oats for our brain:
- Oats is one of most silicon-rich foods. Do you mean this? It is a very suitable cereal for the renewal of synaptic tissues. It has rich carbohydrates which provide us great power due to its dose of Vitamin B1, which is ideally suited to enhance memory. Also oats also contain phosphorus, necessary to the growth cereblal and that of the nervous system during the first years of life.
Benefits of yeast for our brain
- But what really is the Brewer's yeast? Well, it's another slightly more refined cereal, consisting of a conglomerate of microscopic fungi that in the process of fermentation produce a gas: carbon dioxide. Yeast is a very rich compound, which is credited with a huge nutritional power thank you vitamins, minerals and proteins that contains.
- Brewer's yeast gives us, like oats, a high dose of vitamins B1, as well as iron and proteins, which defends our body during times of stress and anxiety. We must also remember that the vitamin B1, in Brewer's yeast, is with thiamine, the main elements able to enhance and improve our memory. In fact, these are the components that you will find if you look the vitamin complexes that sold in pharmacies to improve intetelectual performance.
- Another fact to consider is that the yeast of beer, improves the deposits of glycogen in the liver. This means that our brain will receive the necessary contribution to its operation, and step improving our attention and memory.
- Brewer's yeast strengthens and increases our brain synapses, renew tissues, reduces bad cholesterol and regulates the level of sugar in blood; so is a natural element that can bring many benefits as part of your diet. do you start today itself to take this beaten rico? You will learn how to do it.
Smoothie oatmeal and yeast for memory

No is no better way to start your day than with this tasty milkshake. We will prepare it for our breakfast, that mode will be able to leave the House with the maximum power, with all the components you need your brain to perform their connectivity, to get food and not exhausted. He thinks that our brain needs daily 20% of our energy, so we know what you need. These cereals, enriched with vitamin B1, respond perefectamente to what our brain we requested to operate at maximum performance.
What do I need to make my shake?
- 5 strawberries
- 4 tablespoons of oats
- Half banana
- A tablespoon of Brewer's yeast.
- A glass of a vegetable drink (milk of nuts, soy, or of almonds, which suits our tastes and Pocket).
How do I prepare it?
- Is very easy. The first thing we will do is wash strawberries thoroughly. Remember that if organic are much better. Remove the nipple up and also cut half banana into small pieces. Remember that the banana is very energetic and is also great to start the day with all the vitamins and minerals needed.
- Now what we will do is put all ingredients into the Blender: oats, the tablespoon of Brewer's yeast, vegetable, milk half banana and strawberries. Very simple. We process all good for good homogeneous mixture.
- As you can see, it is a simple home remedy. You can also find yeast in any natural store; tends to be economical and can offer great benefits for our health. As for the oatmeal, you know that you will also find it at any store, and that it is one of the best cereals for the whole family. It is low in fat, ideal for those periods in which we are to diet, and as you know, it is incredibly healthy. Don't hesitate to try this Smoothie and experiencing the effects on your body and your memory every day.
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