How to remove fleas and ticks naturally

To not irritate the skin of your pet and end ticks in an efficient way prepare an infusion of Chamomile and apply it with a cotton ball over the affected area
Cómo eliminar pulgas y garrapatas naturalmente
Keep dogs and cats at home brings as a consequence these unwanted visitors that not only affect our pets, but also to us. In addition, they can cause diseases in animals and in people. For this reason, you must stop you to grow in your home. You know the best remedies to eliminate fleas and ticks naturally.

Remedies and techniques home to remove ticks

If your dog has a tick, that horrible animal with many legs that is hooked on the skin and is feeding on your blood, you can remove it with a natural method. Ticks are usually located behind the ears, around the anus or in the neck, where the hair covers them either where the dog does not bother them. Whenever your pet returns from abroad should it be revised to no will has "ignited", also if you see it that is Scratchcard continuously or attempts to do so in the areas discussed above.
Performs a mixture of two parts of white spirit (antiseptic to remove the parasite of the skin) and a part of oil (for smoothness). Placed in a cloth or gauze and passes on the tick several times, until it falls off on its own. Also, if the dog, can be kept tight cotton against ticks to stop wanting to breathe it be attached to the skin.
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One of the most effective home remedies for ticks is Chamomile. Prepare a tea with some flowers of this plant (Alternatively you can put a tea bag in a cup), leave it to warm, soak a cotton in it and applied by the dog's skin, especially in the critical areas. The parasites begin to "flee" from the animal. Then, well disinfect the House not to leave no trace of them.
A good repellent home can be done using any citrus we have at home, such as orange, lemon, Mandarin orange or grapefruit (the first two are the most recommended). Put to boil half a litre of water and added two sliced citrus. When it comes to a boil leave one minute and then down the fire to a minimum, leaving an hour (be careful not to evaporate any water). Leave to cool and pour into a sprayer. It applies in the mantle of the dog with care that do not enter the eyes. With prepared also can disinfect your home, especially the floors and corners.
Apple cider vinegar is very good to exterminate ticks. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, wet a cotton ball or clean cloth, drain well and moistens the skin of the dog. You can do it as a final rinse after the bath.
perro gato mizuo_fiat
If ticks have left wounds or injury on the skin of the dog or cat, you can use creams calendula (healing), gel or cream with aloe vera (moisturizer) and oil of Lavender (guard).

Homemade techniques to eliminate fleas and remedies

In the case of fleas, could be considered as the lice in people. The problem with these parasites is that they not only affect the pets, but they also sting human beings and can transmit diseases (one of them, the cats can even be deadly). To remove fleas, can make an infusion using Pennyroyal and once cooled pour into a sprayer. Spread by the coat without rinsing. To prevent appearing, it includes yeast or garlic in small portions into the feed so to consume what they emanate the smells and avoid that the flea has "desires" remain in the dog or cat.
Bring to a boil three cups of water. In a separate bowl mix one tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar and one of vodka. Add two drops of lavender essential oil of eucalyptus and optional, two of opoponax. Then a drop of oil of cedar, geranium, Rosemary, Marjoram and Lemongrass. Pour two drops of lemon juice and a cup of dried mint. Mix well and pour the boiling water. Leave to cool, strain and placed in a jar or bottle with atomizer. Then check in any room, from the fur of your dog on the furniture, also floors and walls.
Mix two cups of hot water, 1/4 cup of alcohol and six drops of liquid detergent. With this homemade shampoo wash well the dog until it makes a good thick foam. Then rinse well.
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You can also remove the fleas (and ticks) putting salt on the carpets, floors and beds of animals. This deshidratará them and kill quickly. For accelerates this process, try to place containers with water and 10 drops of liquid detergent. If they jump there to cool off, you can not go by as oily mixture. To avoid that the dogs are intoxiquen, best thing to do is to apply this home remedy for fleas when we took a walk or if we go on vacation, carry your pet with us so the parasites will not have any mammal that ignite.
As a last piece of advice, don't side good feeding pets, so they have a strong immune system , thus preventing parasites from sick them or generate anemia, weakness, tiredness, etc by suck them blood. Their food includes ingredients that contain selenium, zinc, and B-complex vitamins, mainly.
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