Fruits and vegetables that give you energy in the morning

These fruits and vegetables stand out due to their high energy input, so we should take them in the morning and avoid its consumption at night
Frutas y verduras que te dan energía por la mañana
In general, fruits and vegetables we nourish and provide us with energy, but there are some of them that stand out for their high power to activate our body, while others, on the other hand, have rather features relaxing, ideal for before going to bed.
In this article you will learn what are the fruits and vegetables that should not miss in your breakfast and your lunch, especially if you're having a season that you feel tired or stressed.


The oranges are a very special fruit, which is usually taken in the form of juice first thing in the morning with reason. A fruit that absorbs is solar energy and therefore is precisely does not recommend eating in the evening or night, because that could make it difficult to sleep. It is ideal to take it in fasting, juice or whole, separate at least 15 minutes of breakfast. We can also make them still more energy if we cut it into slices and add cinnamon and Ginger powder and a little honey. In addition, it is a delicious combination.


Figs are a very healthy sugar-rich fruit, which provide us lots of energy quickly. On the other hand, if eat them at night that power possibly now we will not take it and it will make us gain weight.
Another great virtue of figs is that they help to treat constipation due to their high fiber content, so if we take them first thing in the day will help us to operate our intestines. We can take them fresh or dried, and also you can try to bake them a while with a little honey and fill them with a walnut. A delicious and highly nutritious breakfast!
higos gregoirevdb


Banana or banana, despite being a fruit, they are considered nutritionally as a starch, i.e. as potato, pasta or bread. Por it should be a fruit that we eat in the morning, and not as mixed meals with dessert, and much less at the dinner. The banana is excellent to prepare a good shake in the morning, beating him with a drink (milk, juice, vegetable drink) and cocoa. The result is delicious and is a good way to start the day with energy without the need to abuse the flours or added sugars, thanks to the sweetness of the plantain.

The avocado

Although many surprises, the avocado is a fruit, and is ideal to eat it in the morning because there are few foods as complete as this. It contains protein, fats and carbohydrates, and healthy essential fatty acids, for what will be enough to just take it with a little salt and oil, or with honey, to be having breakfast in energy way. We can also add it to smoothies, to give them a good creamy texture, or use it for toast and sandwiches.
smoothy verde vanessayavonne

The sprouts

Surely we have seen ever sprouted nuts and seeds. They sell them in some herbal, dietary, and supermarkets, but also they can be prepared at home easily, keeping the seeds with moisture but without water for a few days. The sprouts are very nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals, and the best thing is to eat them are growing and full of life, so give us all that vitality in its heyday. They are a good choice to eat alone, if we like, or to add them to smoothies, toast or sandwiches. We recommend especially the alfalfa and lentils.
alfalfa I Believe I Can Fry


Green vegetables provide us with also lot of energy, so we recommend to include them in smoothies and sandwiches as a garnish. Spinach, if they are tender, taste delicious, and while the shakes will take a green color, this will not affect just to your taste. And on the other hand they bring us numerous vitamins and minerals for our health, including calcium and magnesium.
We can also try other combinations with Arugula, watercress or lettuce, since each one has a very special flavor and will help us to change our breakfasts.
Images courtesy of gregoirevdb, vanessaya, and I Believe I Can Fry
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