25 foods to lose weight without losing power

To lose weight and no energy we include in our diet bread, carrying whole grains. Either we must mention the seeds and nuts
25 alimentos para adelgazar sin perder la energía
When it comes to weight loss and lose those extra pounds that we left over, the first thing we think is in removing the carbohydrates and any type of fat. However, nutritionists tell us that doing this would be a big mistake. Do you want to know the reason?
The carbohydrates are a source of vitality for our bodies and our brains, as well as fats unsaturated or also known as "good fats", very necessary for the health of our cells and the heart.
Is to say, when it comes to putting us diet always it will be important to know what kind of food we include in our dishes, but it is also essential to not to discard those sources of energy that all need in every day to take care of our health and, above all, to find us good while we lose weight.
You will learn which foods can help you lose weight without losing energy.

1. eggs

There are many people that eliminate them from your diet because they fear gaining weight and increase their levels of bad cholesterol or LDL. Eggs, taken in moderation, are a natural source of proteins essential for our body and, in particular, to our muscles.
Think, for example, what usually happens often when we thinned: our skin is flaccid. Properly to avoid it is to eat more protein and doing a little exercise to harden the muscle. However, we recommend that you never give up the eggs in your diet if you want to lose weight. The reasons are as follows:
  • They are satiating, perfect to include breakfast.
  • The eggs are one of the most nutritious foods that exist.
  • Far from increasing the bad cholesterol, eggs have the property of change LDL cholesterol molecules to other lighter to make it good.
  • They provide us with powerful antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin.

2. "good" fats and oils

No you must renounce completely fats in your diet when you want to lose weight. Instead of consuming red meat, industrial pastries, or meals prepared rich always in saturated fat or "trans", must replace the unsaturated polyunsaturated or. Among other benefits:
  • They help us to strengthen the physiology of the cell membrane.
  • They allow us to absorb vitamins.
  • They provide us with energy.
  • By providing increased energy to cells, help us in addition to "burn" fatty acids as, for example, glucose in the cell mitochondria.
Takes note of the foods high in healthy fats that will help you lose weight without losing energy:
  • Avocados
  • Coconut oil
  • Cod liver oil
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Nuts
  • Chia seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds

3. the fish

If you want to lose weight in a healthy way as well as care of your heart and your brain, do not forget to include oily fish in your diet. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, essential nutrients, and these proteins so important that we will help maintain energy and go losing weight properly.
Also, something that is very common in the diets is that, day by day, our mood go changing. We feel a little decaídas, uncomfortable and even sad if we don't see results. This discouragement is led by a deficit of minerals and vitamins in our diet, and hence the importance of include energy foods which, in addition, take care of our State of mind. The fish, for example, reduces the risk of falling into a depression and numerous mental disorders.
Do you think if throughout the week we prepare any of these tasty fish?
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Sardine
  • COD

4. the best vegetables

The best vegetables that will help you lose weight without losing power are those that are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. In addition to energy, we will help take care of the health of our heart and to feel satiated and empty.
As Council keep in mind, we remind you that you to improve our digestion, and help us to lose weight, will always be best to consume them "raw", very finite pieces. Takes note of what are:
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Onions
  • Peppers

5 seeds, whole grains and nuts

pan integral
In all slimming diet must include the bread. Far from eliminating it by thinking that it will make that go up in weight, the bread is essential to obtain that level of energy we need in every day, those essential to our heart and our body carbohydrates.
You must not forget that it is important to include in our day to day about 30 grams of fiber; why should choose whole wheat bread, take whole grains and is not made in white flour. In addition, nor we can overlook the benefits that provide us with both seeds and nuts.
They are rich in vitamin E, magnesium, calcium... Natural sources of energy as well suited to supplement our diet. Include these foods in your diet and you will see as does not descend your energy level and your desire for doing things:
  • Rye bread
  • Brown rice
  • Almonds
  • Nuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
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