Banana or banana is one of the most consumed fruit in the world. Its sweet flavor, color and texture makes it a well-liked food easy to eat by young children and older adults. We can eat banana smoothies, yoghurt, cakes, breads, pancakes or as an accompaniment to soups.
Did you know that bananas are loaded with vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, but really know the benefits of this delicious fruit? Then meet some of them.
Blood pressure
The high amounts of potassium which has the banana (more than 13% of the RDA) decrease blood pressure and the chance of developing atherosclerosis (the most common form of arteriosclerosis) , myocardial infarction and stroke.Calcium absorption
The banana contains high levels of fructoolgosacaridos (also called oligofructoses u oligofructans or shortcuts FOS), which promote the absorption of calcium. The FOS nourish healthy bacteria in the colon and increases the body's ability to absorb nutrients.Nerve function
This fruit also helps with good nerve and muscle function. In addition, it prevents muscle cramps after each exercise.Vitamin B6
Did you know that just a banana contains 34% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin B6? This vitamin is important for health in general. Vitamin B6 is an anti-inflammatory agent, supports the functions of the nervous system, helps to reduce the risk of type II diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more.Weight loss
If as you hear it, banana fiber helps you maintain good digestion and at the same time keep sugar in the blood, which prevents overeating.It prevents cancer
Bananas contain fighters called catechins and delphinidin. They are natural antioxidants. Studies have shown that diets rich in bananas and other fruits can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Also help to greatly reduce the risk of developing kidney cancer.Digestion and natural laxative
Bananas also help to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and the estrenimientor, thanks to pectin (a soluble fiber also called hydrocolloid) which helps to stabilize the digestive system, normalizing bowel movements and relieve constipation. This fruit also has an antacid effect and stimulates the production of mucus in the stomach, which helps protect against stomach acids. Bananas also help to kill the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.
What may begin the day by adding this delicious and nutritious fruit in your daily breakfast?
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