Remember that a miraculous treatment there is for weight loss, so it will have to be constant, take care of your diet and physical activity for results

The artichoke is a treasure trove of benefits hidden in a myriad of small green leaves. A vegetable as healthy as tasty that will allow us to go to losing weight with ease, thanks to its diuretic virtues and burning fat. The way to get it is simple: through their water or their infusions. Don't miss the following information.
How I can help the strainer to lose weight?

- We all know the famous artichoke, slimming properties but we must be clear: there is a miraculous product that allows us to lose weight in a short time. Because there are foods that can give us the progress, only if we put will and change our habits a little. Then is real the slimming effect attributed to the artichoke? It is, but it requires us to be consistent and that we also take care of the rest of our nutrition.
- The artichoke is a very old vegetable with special properties that help us in many ways, for example, between its components is inulin, a carbohydrate which is metabolized in the body, slowly very suitable for diabetes.
- The artichoke is rich in fiber, which helps us to lower the blood glucose and control levels of cholesterol, and fight constipation.
- Another important element is to contain cynarin, a wonderful substance that allows us to stimulate biliary secretion favouring the digestion of fats and, in addition, favoring a diuretic effect which prevents water retention.
- It is important to note in addition that it has less than 1% fatartichoke it, available as a very low calorie (about 22 calories per 100 grams).
- We could say for its slimming effect occurs due to three factors: su under caloric level, their diuretic effect, and its capacity to process fats to remove them easily.
Other benefits are the artichokes?

- It is a medicinal plant that encourages and helps our liver functions.
- Favors our digestion and elimination of fats.
- It is a good detoxifier, cleanses our intestines, our liver and kidneys.
- Lower our level of blood cholesterol.
- It has diuretic and depurative, properties rising as some allies perfect for our kidneys.
- Artichokes help us defend ourselves from coronary heart disease such as arteriosclerosis.
- They are especially suited to our liver, either cleans, regenerates it and helps you to accumulate vitamins.
Lose weight with water of artichokes

- Artichoke diet consists of a pattern where include artichoke water three times a day. Will do it for 10 days a month, for at least 3 months. Not only so we will be losing weight, but it also our body we desintoxicaremos. During these 10 days, we will take a diet of juices, fruits, vegetables and no fat or industrial foods. It is advisable to also perform at least half an hour of exercise a day.
What is readiness?
- Is very easy to take two medium size artichokes, which are well fresh, dense and healthy. We wash them well and cut the end of the stem, and then also cut them in halves.
- We take a pot, where we will introduce a liter and a half of water. Two artichokes can to a boil until they acquire a tone in their cooking, and become more soft.
- Once boiled, we are left with the got this cooking water. We can prepare the artichokes in our meals, with a little oil, salt and vinegar are a tasty and healthy dish. For our part, we will serve artichokes water to advertise our diet. We obtained a liter and a half of water, and it is what we will have to drink us throughout the day.
- We can start after our breakfast: a cup of oatmeal, an Apple for example and then a glass of water of artichokes. Take it also after our main meals, remember that it favors our digestion, it is diuretic and that helps us to process fats. Hence, it is advisable to take it after meals.
- The liter and a half that we have obtained is going to serve for the whole day. Puedes put it in the refrigerator, and when making it you can accompany it with a little lemon juice and some mint leaves. The taste is more pleasant and superior benefits. Don't try it, recalling above all follow a varied diet where missing salads and where to practice a bit of exercise. Just for example walking an hour a day, and if you do this diet in the company of a relative or a friend, surely you will be easier.
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