How to prevent and detect in time the cysts on the ovaries

They tend to pursue asymptomatically and are often resolved naturally. However, it is very important to recognize their symptoms to be able to treat them as if they could complicate
Cómo prevenir y detectar a tiempo los quistes en los ovarios
Cysts in the ovaries are benign in women, that problem even though they do not represent a health hazard, ideally, treat them in time to prevent future complication. This disease usually occurs between puberty and menopause, rare still occur after the menopause.

What are cysts?

An ovarian cyst is a small bag full of liquid that forms inside or outside the woman's ovary. These occur when the woman is in the process of ovulation, in which a small follicle is formed in one of your ovaries, which is broken when the egg is mature and ready to be fertilized. After the release of the egg, small bag or sack dissolves and it disappears naturally. But if this does not occur, or if the sack is filled when the egg has been released, it is possible that it fills with liquid, increase in size and there are formed cysts.

What are the causes of cysts?

A woman has more risk of ovarian cysts if you have irregular menstrual cycles, if you undergo fertilitytreatments, by hormonal imbalances, and genetic factors.

How to detect in time the cysts on the ovaries?

Usually cysts on the ovaries do not have symptoms that may alarm the woman. However, there are some cases in which can be detected by a sharp abdominal pain to do certain activities. When the cyst blood or break, produces an intense pain that must be attended immediately, since it can cause vaginal bleeding. Another way of detecting them is when women feel pain before you start your menstrual period or when sexual relations.
Other symptoms that can help detect ovarian cysts are:
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tender breasts
  • Weight gain
  • Urination problems
  • Pelvic or abdominal swelling
  • Pain in the lumbar region and thighs
  • Combination of pain, fever, and vomiting
In case of any of the above symptoms, the ideal is to see the specialist that he perform a pelvic exam allowing to confirm that there are cysts on the ovaries. The doctor by having this problem is suspected, can check it by performing an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging. But also through a blood test, can be determined if the cyst needs to be removed or not.

How to prevent ovarian cysts?

To prevent the formation of cysts in the ovaries, there are certain recommendations that can take into account at home and can easily apply.

Maintain a healthy diet

To prevent and treat the quites in the ovaries, the ideal is to include more foods high in fiber and water in order to reduce the abdominal pressure. But in addition, it is recommended to include foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially zinc, vitamin B and C.

Hot compresses

Feeling abdominal pain, the ideal is to apply hot compresses to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Take relaxing herbal teas

If you develop symptoms such as pain or abdominal swelling, the ideal is to drink an infusion of Chamomile, mint or raspberry. These teas help prevent stress, provide a calming effect and are ideal for before going to sleep.

Drinking water

A simple healthy habit like drinking water, can prevent the formation of ovarian cysts since it keeps you hydrated. Recommended is to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Drink dandelion tea

Diente de leon
The dandelion is known for its diuretic properties that favor the purification of the liver, eliminates toxins and helps improve hormonal balance. With this in mind, this tea is ideal to prevent and reduce the formation of cysts in the ovaries.

Exercise regularly

Exercises favor the regulation of hormonal cycle, help prevent abdominal pains and keep you healthy in all respects. It is proven that those who perform physical activity, tend to have fewer irregularities in menstrual period and reduce the formation of cysts.
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