Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): what vitamins can prevent it?

Síndrome premenstrual (SPM): ¿Qué vitaminas pueden prevenirlo?
There are many women who suffer from the syndrome premenstrual (SPM), a set of hassles such as headache, swelling of the breasts, anxiety, fluid retention... sometimes very disabling symptoms and preceding menstruation.
The exact causes are not known exactly but there are several factors that influence to suffer from these symptoms, but scientists suspect that are basically due to changes hormone, decompensation between estrogen and progesterone, effects that are compounded if in addition, don't carry a proper diet that will help us to prevent such changes. It is for this reason that we encourage you to give you account which vitamins and what plug-ins will be essential so that you prevent annoying and painful premenstrual syndrome.

Symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

It is clear that every woman will have some particular symptoms, some mostly suffer headaches, others feel more mood swings... but in general tend to be basic axes
  • Headache, migraine headaches that sometimes tend to be strong enough
  • Feeling of swollen stomach, as if we had caught weight.
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Breast tenderness, swelling.
  • Food anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Acne
  • Mood swings: sadness, irritability...
  • Irritability
  • Fluid retention, especially in the legs, or even transient weight increase

What vitamins can prevent Premenstrual syndrome?

Las vitaminas B son ideales para prevenir el Síndrome Premenstrual
The B vitamins are ideal to prevent Premenstrual syndrome
According to a study from the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who follow a diet rich in B vitamins, just develop premenstrual syndrome compared with those that do not carry a nutrition rich in these elements.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) begins a week or two before menstruation and in some women, courses with a few quite severe symptoms, enough as to prevent them from being able to lead a normal life. According to scientists many of these symptoms can be alleviated with an adequate intake of these nutritious complexes, which are enclosed in the B vitamins, particularly thiamine and the ribflavina. But where to find them?
  • Foods rich in thiamine: pistachio (which contain more), white beans, figs and plums dried, integral bread, hazelnuts, garlic, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes, mushrooms, potatoes, oranges, sea bass, sardines...
  • Foods rich in riboflavin: Almonds, eggs, peas, chickpeas, spinach, cheese roquefort, green peas, lentils, corn...
The United States Institute of medicine recommended in this study that women consume per day 1.1 mg of thiamine and Riboflavin, do not need more, keep this limit is more than suitable for our organism and provides the same benefits.

Other accessories suitable for each symptom

Brewer's yeast is a perfect ally to relieve headaches and tiredness in Premenstrual syndrome
  • Pain and mood swings: to avoid these common symptoms we must increase our consumption of magnesium and vitamin B6. How can we do it? Through an appropriate consumption of peppers, spinach, potatoes cooked baked (including skin), peas, Yam, broccoli, asparagus, turnips, tuna, salmon, the seeds of sunflower, cashew nuts, cereals integrals... Likewise, specialists also recommend taking capsules of vitamin B6: 50 mg 2 times a day from the second half of the cycle and for two weeks.
  • For fluid retention , it is recommended to increase the potassium in your diet, you can find it at bananas, papayas, mangoes, melons, pears, plums, raisins, kiwis...
  • For fatigue , it is advisable to take Brewer's yeast, since it avoids sugar downspouts, you can find this ideal capsules natural stores, for example one a day.
  • Premenstrual migraines: To relieve the typical premenstrual and menstrual migraines, it is necessary that we increase the levels of niacin, present in the vitamin B3, where can you find it? Once again in Brewer's yeast, very rich in this component, also in the chestnuts, walnuts, apricots, oranges, strawberries, raspberries, currants, dates, lentils, soybeans, carrots, chicory, asparagus... Infusions of ginger and Chamomile are also for its part well suited to relieve these so annoying migraines during premenstrual syndrome.

Other recommendations

Disfrutar de sol por un rato es una excelente forma de otorgarle al cuerpo vitamina D.
Enjoy Sun for a while is a great way to provide the body with vitamin D.
  • Sunbathe at least twenty minutes a day, this will allow you to obtain and synthesize vitamin D, essential for the good metabolism of our body, helping to prevent the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Avoid consumption of fatty meats and industrialized food, all this fills us with the body of toxins and causes migraines, headaches, tiredness appear...
  • Avoids the consumption of coffee the second week of the menstrual cycle, is a trigger of premenstrual pain.
  • Avoids the consumption of snacks and sweets. It is normal to feel more anxiety and desire to eat during this period, but these foods are not beneficial. For example use a piece of fruit, it is always healthier.
  • Tries to keep track of your symptoms, sign up every month when PMS symptoms appear to be able to take action: help with vitamins, reduce the consumption of coffee... etc
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