"It is very important that you check with the specialist before increasing the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids, since they can cause an increase in bleeding in case of taking blood-thinning medications"

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone, so these people have a slow metabolism, being the most common cause of autoimmune, thyroiditis or Hashimoto thyroiditis which is an inflammation of the thyroid, caused by the immune system.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism are: weakness, fatigue, increase in weight or difficulty losing weight, dry hair, hair loss, hair and brittle nails, dry, rough pale skin, abnormal menstrual cycles, intolerance to cold, constipation, high cholesterol, cramps and frequent muscle aches, loss of memory, depression, irritability and decreased libido.DIET FOR HYPOTHYROIDISM
It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle where there is a nutritious diet and regular; physical activity as well as techniques to handle stress and drugs that you doctor has prescribed your doctor for hypothyroidism. Given that there is no food or meal plan, which can cure or prevent disease, but the effects of weight gain can be counteracted by eating foods low in calories and rich in nutrients with high content of vitamins and minerals, to increase the immune response and prevent other diseases.It is ideal to take a healthy diet, with foods such as fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates - such as whole-grain cereals, pasta, potatoes, root vegetables, vegetables, healthy fats and lean protein in moderation.
Are very important for the function of the brain and needed to maintain healthy thyroid. The Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation that causes slow thyroid function. Foods high in fatty acids Omega-3 include oil flaxseed, salmon and blue fish, such as tuna, cod and mackerel, and to a lesser extent the walnuts.If prescribed you blood-thinning medications, talk to your doctor before increasing the intake of Dietary Omega-3 fatty acids, which can cause increased bleeding.
B-complex vitamins help the thyroid gland in the production of energy, especially B12, indicated in anemia and low thyroid function. Foods with high B12 content include clams, offal, meat, eggs, milk, cereals enriquecios, algae and Brewer's yeast. The B9 is another vitamin important for thyroid function and can be found in vegetables, avocados, oranges, cabbage, asparagus, spinach, cauliflower, wheat germ and small amounts in dairy products.
Spinach, great source of vitamin C, are also rich in vitamin B
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