The natural process of oxidation of the body, creates radical free; the cellular damage that create the latter, is fought by the antioxidant acquired through the diet.
BETA-CAROTENE - VITAMIN A-Once in the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, necessary for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes. In addition there reclacar which beta-carotene is a safe source of vitamin A, since the body stops converting beta-carotene when you don't need more vitamin A.
Yellow and orange vegetables and fruits are good sources of dietary beta-carotene, still effective for the protection of the skin, especially of the sunburn. Vitamin A topical and its derivatives called retinoids, are useful for the treatment of acne, and prematurely aged skin damaged by the Sun, since vitamin A stimulates the production of collagen.
Vitamin C is necessary for the body to produce collagen and repairing tissues; This is especially useful for treating aging skin. The lack of vitamin C leads to a dry, rough skin and easy bruising emergence; It can enciontrar in citrus fruit, strawberries, kiwis, peppers, blueberries, tomatoes, broccoli and pineapple among others. Topical vitamin C provides protection against photo-aging and is particularly effective when combined with vitamin E.
Selenium works very well when combined with vitamin E; nuts from Brazil, yeast of beer, seafood and tuna can find you in liver, wheat germ. Topically, selenium protects the skin from sun damage and wrinkles.
-Through the application of an antioxidant cream that benefits the dermal layers of the skin, you can neutralize free radicals and allow the production of collagen, which is important to maintain the elasticity and resistance, and help the pielse to see more smooth and rejuvenated.- Vitamin A helps to reduce global oil in pores; When combined with a quality, the application of this skin care topical vitamin, can reduce acne.
- Antioxidants that are found in products for skin care, may slow down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Vitamin C found in products for the care of the skin, reduces pigmentation of melanin due to age, helping to improve the appearance.
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