Did you know that the excessive sweating underarms, hands and feet is called "Hyperhidrosis"? Do you suffer from it, especially when summer arrives? Then, you can not miss this note where will reveal what are the best natural remedies for excessive sweating. Pay attention and say goodbye to the abundant perspiration that makes you ashamed!
What is sweat?

As a first step, we need to understand what is the purpose of sweating: the temperature of the body. When the skin is more degrees from the normal, the body begins to sweat to cool it. That is why we sweat when we are very warm, when we enter a room with heating too high, when we have a fever, when we are in the Sun, when the ambient temperature exceeds 30 ° C, or when we do sport.
Sweat is a secretion from the glands, mixture of water, mineral salts, amino acids and urea. We perspire through every pore, the areas where there is more concentration of sweat glands is in where is says a buildup or an abundance of sweating. For that reason, the face, armpits, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are the places where most we perspire.
With the sweat, we filter the blood, we throw away the impurities (such as alcohol, fats, tobacco).
Here the simple explanation of encyclopedia. Now let's talk about what happens to you pretty often. Excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis occurs when there is an alteration in the sympathetic nervous system, which causes a higher need for perspiration to be able to regulate the temperature of the body.
Many of the people who have this problem is due to the climate (either because it's summer, or because there is too much moisture). Secondly, we have the emotional state. In this way, when someone is very nervous, anxious, stressed or depressed can you breathe more.
If only a little water in the armpits there would be no problem, but everything gets worse when the picture is accompanied with bad odor, irritation, appearance of mushrooms, etc.
What are the best natural remedies for excessive sweating?

Recipe N ° 1 for Hyperhidrosis
Ingredients- 1 litre of water
- 4 bags of green tea (or its equivalent in grams)
Boils everything for 15 minutes and leave warm. Washing the feet, hands or armpits with this liquid. Its acids act as astringents.
Recipe N ° 2 for Hyperhidrosis
Ingredients- 1 litre of water
- 2 tablespoons Sage
Bring to a boil the water with the Sage and when boiling, leave 3 minutes. He retired from the fire, let it rest until it is warm, strain and thrown into the tub or shower with warm water. You can also place in a container to submerge your feet, or apply with a sponge in the armpits. Rinse with cold water. Could, in turn, drink tea of Sage (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water).
Recipe N ° 3 for Hyperhidrosis
Ingredients- 10 ml of cider vinegar
- 20 ml of water
Both elements and baby every morning, on an empty stomach. Leave to spend half an hour before breakfast, a fruit or a whole grain cereal.
Recipe N ° 4 for Hyperhidrosis

- 1 cup (250 ml) water
- 1 tablespoon of relaxing herbal medicine (orange blossom, mint, tila, Passionflower, Chamomile or Valerian)
Prepares tea in the usual way and drink it when it is still hot, unless you burn. Having Properties relaxants and tranquilizers, you will avoid excessive perspiration product of nerves.
Recipe N ° 5 for Hyperhidrosis
Ingredients- 2 tablespoons of Walnut leaves
- ½ litre of water
The walnut tree (more precisely, its leaves) have antiseptic and astringent properties that regulate sweat naturally. Boiling the leaves for five minutes, turn off the heat and set aside. Then strain and soak a cotton ball or cloth. It passes through your armpits, feet, etc.
Recipe N ° 6 for Hyperhidrosis
Ingredients- 1 tablespoon of ponytail
- 1 cup water
- A few drops of apple cider vinegar
Prepare an infusion boiling grass with water for five minutes. Then let stand until it cools a little and strain. Add a few drops of vinegar, soak a cotton and passes through the armpits and soles of the feet, as if it were a deodorant.
Recipe N ° 7 for Hyperhidrosis

- 2 tablespoons ponytail
- Two orange peel
- 1 cup boiling water
Put everything in a saucepan and heat to fire intermediate. When it begins to boil, put your hands on top of the vapors given off. You can also approach your underarms.
Recipe N ° 8 for Hyperhidrosis
Ingredients- Two orange peel
- Peel of 2 lemons
- 1 litre of water
- ½ kg of coarse salt
- 3 tablespoons of baking soda
Place the shells and water in a saucepan and heat until the boil. Then leave three more minutes and turn off the heat. Let stand for five minutes and strain. Fill the tub or bathtub with water warm and pour this liquid. Add the salt and the bicarbonate and dive for fifteen minutes (or until the water is cool). Eliminating toxins, perfumarás your body and moderarás sweating.
Recipe N ° 9 for Hyperhidrosis
Ingredients- 1 cup water
- 2 tablespoons of Rosemary
- ½ Cup apple cider vinegar
It is a very effective remedy for excessive sweating. Prepares boiling water with Rosemary for 15 minutes. Let stand until it is warm, strain and mix with the vinegar. I soak a cotton or canvas and passes through the armpits or feet.
Recipe N ° 10 for Hyperhidrosis

- 2 handfuls of Eucalyptus leaves
- 1 litre of water
Heated to fire medium for two minutes. Remove and let stand for five minutes more. Strain and washes his hands with this water instead of the tap.
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