How beneficial is to wear bra?

The use of BRA does not prevent that, with the passage of the years, the breasts tend to fall. Moreover, it speeds up the process.
¿Qué tan beneficioso resulta usar sujetador?
After several years of research, in a study conducted in France has has reached the firm conclusion that the common garment feminine and considered one of the most important in the intimate apparel of women does not provide any kind of benefit.
Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon, from the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon, France said with all certainty that female fasteners do not offer no benefit and on the other hand cause damage in the breasts of those who use them.
These conclusions are based on studies that were carried out during a period of fifteen years, during which the University of Besançon, located to the East of France, conducted his research doing monitoring and making a series of changes that occurred in the breasts of one hundred and thirty women who, on a voluntary basis, allowed this research, volunteers were aged between eighteen and thirty-five years.
During the early stages of the investigation the medical team was able to observe breasts of women who did not use bra remained much more firm and with least amount of stretch marks than the ones that Yes used it every day.
The tools that scientists used during the time of the investigation were simply a gauge, which is a device for measuring the distance between two opposite sides of an object, as well as a calculation rule.
The conclusions came to the Group of scientists who are dedicated to this research include, mainly, which shows that the use of this popular female garment does not prevent that, with the passage of the years, the breasts tend to fall, and conversely this garment speeds up the process. Says Professor Hasegawa that from the point of view of medical, physiological and anatomical, it is not in any way beneficial to the chest be deprived of gravity. Anything tend to become much more flabby.
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The teacher is firm in supporting the hypothesis that the muscles that are responsible for holding chest in place, with the use of this garment lose their function and the firmness of the bust is lost this way. Also argues that women who never used bra kept higher than nipples on women than if used it regularly.
However should take into account that those women who have used this article many years should not do so, because the result would not be beneficial.
The Professor is emphatically point out that although the study lasted many years and participated in hundreds of women, this sample does not represent the world's population. But this study can Yes confirm that by ceasing to use the support there is no deterioration in terms of the orientation of the breasts, on the contrary there is a remarkable improvement in such guidance.
One of the women who participated in this research and that has twenty-eight years of age, says that two years ago that he stopped using this garment and feels very good, feels less back pain, breathing better by having greater freedom.
In some studies that were previously at the University of Portsmouth, England, showed that women most damaging their breasts by using a wrong of this garment size.
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