This fruit native to China is one of the most cultivated in the world. Is very healthy and can bring us many benefits if you take regularly. The peach is rich in carotenes by which has a function antioxidant and anticancer.
The peach is very rich in water and fiber, what it makes a fruit ideal in diets of thinning.
Can add it in our diet of a way very simple due to the multitude of forms in which take it: from the fruit mature to salads, jellies or jams.
Why take peach?
This grateful fruit offers us many interesting advantages. Its nutrients including potassium, which helps us to decrease water retention. Despite a low content of fat and protein peach is a very energy fruit thanks to its carbohydrates. The energy that gives us is combined with the vitamins that gives us: A, C, B1, B2 and B6. The peach is beneficial for cholesterol and may help control blood sugar level. If we are following a diet we can include it as dessert and breakfast.How to prepare it
There are a variety of ways in which we can take the peach safely and healthy. If we choose to eat it alone, although we can peel it, it is advisable to take it with skin included, since many of its beneficial properties are found in the skin. To ensure the cleaning of the Peach will have to clean it with plenty of water. Peach lasts very little in mature once optimal conditions, with the it is recommended eat it before it happens and take advantage of all of its properties.Offering a sweet flavor, peach combines very well with our salads and fruit salads. The peach is easy to find in stores and we will find it prepared in a variety of ways. Peach in syrup is excellent for a rich and healthy dessert and you can accompany with a piece of ice cream and thus promote digestion. To start the day can take it in the form of jam accompanied by a glass of milk or orange juice.
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