The problem of having a low self esteem can affect different dimensions of our life. If you're not valuable enough as a person, you can get to experiencing difficulties in your profession and your work, in your relationship, in the raising of your children, to body image problems and social interaction.
Hard to believe that there are extremely simple habits ?y widely recommended? as the exercise of the mirror to increase self-esteem. Then we tell you what is this exercise.
If at first you seems a little strange the way in which the mirror exercise develops, don't worry, you sure you're not the only person who feels this way. However, after a while of doing, you can start to quickly notice a greater trust in you, as well as learn how to estimate yourself and value yourself more as a person.
Choose a time of day in which you have privacy and stand facing the mirror. Leave any type of inhibition and don't have to worry for what others do not think if you see doing this. It is a time to look you directly in the eyes in the mirror, first in silence, unafraid to look honestly and without masks. Then proceeds to repeat phrases we all need to hear.
If you are having problems with your body image, Repeat to yourself that you're sexy or attractive, that you should not pay attention to the negative comments you've heard about the way how you must see or dress. If you are having problems at work, talk to yourself, saying that you can, that you have the ability to succeed in your profession or trade, to the obstacles that you are passing are simply opportunities to give your best. If you are having problems in your relationships, also Repeat to yourself that although we all make mistakes, you're a person able to forgive others as well as to forgive herself.
Don't be afraid to repeat any other phrase that you think that it is necessary to hear, since you're a fun person, a person well like and, of course, you don't have no inhibition in telling yourself that you love and that you value very much.
It's making this exercise a habit. You'll see what it takes to start more value to oneself is sometimes taking consistent steps and create habits that will help us to appreciate us more as people. Remember, you lose nothing to try.
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