Depression, possibly is the disease of the 21st century. No matter the advances, technologies... everyday life and our relationships, make us fall occasionally in this state of weakness where the world seems to drop us over. And Yes, we have right to fall, but rise is mandatory. We explain three ways of achieving this.
1 open windows: awareness
Remember first and foremost this phrase: you have every right to fall, but rise, is required. We all know that everyday life, personal and labor obligations, and our emotional relationships, make us often plunge us into a State of helplessness. Are those vital moments in which we do not allow to see walls around, our a suffocating feeling to what, do not see any output.
The depression we plunged into a State of painful sadness, of slow, apathy, low motivation for every day. A significant signal that we have fallen into it, is without a doubt notice how lack of desire to get up in the morning. That I prefer darkness to light. Fatigue, headache, muscle aches are also very characteristic signs.
But what is the first step to get out of a depression? The will. The desire to put an end to this situation. The need to return to life, to look at ourselves in the mirror and say to ourselves that we are able to, and how not, deserve to be happy. So, do not hesitate, the first thing you should do is open windows, your home of light, motivate you to go back to the street, search yourself a small incentive, rather small for what deserves to smile that day. We went out for a coffee with a friend? A walk along the beach? We are sure that there is something that encourages you to take that first step.
2 walk, walk, stay in touch with your everyday life
When we depressed us our movements become slower, we speak more slowly and the world suddenly seems to be in slow motion. A way to open ourselves to that life which, without knowing how raised these walls which oppress us and they sadden, is coming out. Moving. Open the doors of your home and start to walk to make contact with what surrounds you.
Sets every day small walks. First go for example to this tranquil park. Go to buy something small and unimportant... a magazine, a ice cream. You start making simple things that force you to move. Do some kind of exercise such as walking, will help you to break that circle in which we fall when we suffer a depression.
Ideal if you're walking with a friend. Resumes your social networking little by little, mostly avoids the routine of home, being in your room. Prevents the loneliness and the murmur of your negative thoughts looking for nature and the world that smiles at you with a simple stroll!
3 avoid negative people, search for new projects
Another essential step that we have to meet to get out of the tunnel of the depression, is no doubt away from those who offer only negativity, that hurt us and we allow us to advance our needs and personal projects.
Listen to yourself, ask yourself what you want. Ask yourself what your personal circle people are which are a real support for you, and which act as true emotional vampires. Sometimes, overcome a depression means having to take decisions. what today cause you inhappiness? what can you do to feel better? I know decided, observes, assesses and decides.
Inspire you by new projects. Get that every day is new and worthwhile experience it with all the intensity. Sometimes simple ideas can offer you new ways that give you a new perspective, a new hope. Seek the help of those who love you and keep a style of healthy lifestyle.
Overcome depression requires effort and willpower. Never leave aside those who really want to help, socialize, seeks a hobby where vent thoughts and anxieties, avoiding that which you know that it hurts you (without also excluding certain people). Always looking for the light of day, there where you can go to get some exercise, to increase your enforfinas. Look for the positive side of things and don't give up. Life is worth living and all have a right to get up after falling.
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