Nuts, like all nuts, they are very nutritious and good for our health. Its important protective action of the heart and circulatory system is well known, but walnuts give us much more.
They protect our hearts
Vegetable oils are responsible for this important action. They are rich in oleic acid, such as olive oil, but also contain linoleic acid and Alpha-linoleic acid (omega 3 acids). All of them help to lower cholesterol levels in blood, especially those of LDL-cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol), making the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart attack or angina pectoris, decrease considerably. These fatty acids prevent formation of clots, because they make the blood more fluid.If to all this we add the ability to decrease blood thanks to the contribution of mineral pressure, and controlling blood glucose levels, to nuts become an ideal complement to our heart.
Other properties of nuts
The nuts have antioxidant properties thanks to its high content in vitamins, especially vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamins of the Group B.They are rich in calcium, helping to prevent osteoporosis and maintain healthy bones. These last two properties make them suitable in menopause, as they fight two processes which accelerate their development at this time.
Other properties of nuts that we can list are:
-It keeps our skin healthy, preventing problems such as eczema, dryness, etc.
-Our hair will be healthy and strong thanks to zinc. It has even postulated its retardant effect of baldness.
-We recommend its consumption to the students by the beneficial action of lecithin on intellectual capacity, mental alertness and memory.
-They are satiating, therefore help control the feeling of hunger between meals.
Intake of nuts
However, we must not forget that nuts in general, and nuts are no exception, provide a significant amount of calories. In the case of obesity, we have to control their consumption.Eat 5 nuts about 4 or 5 times a week, that if, always and when omitted the intake of other less fatty foods like butter, fatty meat, etc.
People with a tendency to develop stones in kidney or gallbladder, must moderate their consumption, as they are very rich in oxalates.
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