Replaced soft drinks and animal protein with vegetable protein and fruit juices or water to avoid circulation problems and insufficiencies renal

The kidneys are vital organs in our body. They are a wonderful and sophisticated machinery of purification, seeping each day, a large number of liters of blood, thus separating about 2 liters of waste and excess water. We must therefore take care of them, keep them healthy. But we do it correctly? What mistakes do tend to commit daily?
1 drink little water

Sure you already knew it. But, ask you a question how many glasses of water drink a day usually? It should take into account that not properly hydrate our kidneys can cause long-term kidney problems. Its main function is precisely the drain metabolic wastes from the body, thus balancing the number of red blood cells in the body. If we don't, if we do not drink enough water, low renal flow and toxins accumulate in the blood.
We can avoid this simply drinking between a liter and a half and two liters of water. If you costs, if you see that you are unable to meet this recommended amount, add water a splash of lemon. It will be more enjoyable.
2 hold urine

All we have done ever, hold the desire to go to the bathroom because, simply, we're busy. But for how long have retained urine in those moments in which your body told you that you should go? an hour, two? You should know that when we have full of urine bladder for a long long time, can appear complications in the urinary tract, as a hypertrophy, hydronephrosis (increased pressure of urine in the kidneys), or other diseases that could have been avoided easily. We must bear it in mind.
3. bad eating habits

3.1 consume too much sodium
The main source of sodium, as we all know, comes from the salt. But why is it so damaging? What we mainly causes is that kidneys, must work in excess. They must excrete it, and this causes them stress in the long run to lead to several problems. As - reduces or even eliminates - the salt in your meals.3.2. too much animal protein
Animal proteins are very harmful to the kidneys. As well as any food that is high in fat. Little by little they are hindering its function, avoiding causing blood filtering properly. You try to limit them or substitute proteins of animal origin to the extent that is possible by proteins of vegetable origin.3.3 carbonated soft drinks
Soft drinks are very perjudiales for the health of the kidneys, and are unfortunately very consumed by the population, especially by children. It would therefore be advisable that you limited them from your diet or that you simply avoid them. In the long run produce us chronic renal insufficiency or calculations.3.4 avoid tobacco and alcohol
Alcohol and tobacco excessive toxins to the body, are harmful substances that make sick them and that prevent them to accomplish their work. Avoid them whenever you can, and above all avoid them if you also suffer from hypertension or diabetes.3.5 avoid genetically modified foods
We know, sometimes we cannot know the origin of everything that we consume: transgenic maize, fruits or vegetables created in laboratories, adulterated meats that have been caused by a food genetically altered to make animals grow faster... are terrible that sometimes unknown, and factors that are very damaging to our kidneys. Try to always buy organic foods, that you may know its origin, natural foods and healthy that they can not do you harm.4. high blood pressure

Hypertension causes some very clear damage to the functionality of the kidneys. Blood flows through them differently, toxin filtering does not occur in the same way and, little by little, until at the end, it can cause a rather serious kidney problem, van is atrophying us costs nothing to check us regularly blood pressure to have it controlled. Our physician should be aware of this type of controls.
5. the use of drugs

To the extent that we are able must control the consumption of drugs, since they are elements that seriously damage the kidneys. They hinder their function and cause negative effects in the long run. It is a complicated issue, because it is clear when we take a medication is not for pleasure but out of necessity, but there always are less aggressive to the kidneys, hence our need to control it.
6. a sedentary lifestyle

How many hours a day remain seated / to? We must take this into account. Sedentary lifestyle is affecting little shortly not only to the health of our kidneys, but many other basic functions that, without knowing it, we can make you sick. But the lack of physical activity causes many kidney problems that we can avoid moving a little more easily, leaving to walk, a bike ride for example. Think about it. If you also practice some sport with a friend or a safe family that you will be much easier. Your kidneys will thank you, and remember... don't forget to bring a bottle of water.
* You try to improve your life and habits of nutrition, to the extent that is possible. Small changes in your diet can do much for the health of your kidneys: water consumed, avoid foods with high fat, sugar, salt... And above all, go to your doctor to perform routine checks to you.
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