· Sometimes the products we use to solve a problem can cause others. It is the shampoo for dandruff, which dries out the hair to us. We must toggle it with moisturizing shampoos

Hair, sign of beauty and vitality. We love to look so bright and dense but, on occasions, it is not easy. There are times in which our brush is filled with fallen hair and we scared; other times, we feel itching, see it dry, and already do not know what to do with it.
Is it why? We are confident that many of these data are going to surprise and, in addition, will you please help to show off a more beautiful hair. Take note!
1 loosing hair in the form of "patches"

It is important to be clear about this point: when you begin to see that you lose hair in certain areas that are sparsely populated, it goes to the doctor. It is not normal, nor is it a trait that appears with age. At all. The causes tend to be fairly serious sometimes and have to take them into account:
- Very high States of stress and anxiety.
- Autoimmune diseases: from infections, sexual transmission problems...
- Problems with our thyroid. Usually, suffering from hypothyroidism tends to favour the hair loss in this way.
2. brittle hair, with weak ends

All have passed those annoying times when, suddenly, we noticed that our hair is somewhat weaker, it breaks easily and that, Furthermore, misses out higher amounts than usual. Is it why? Will we perhaps suffer anemia? As you know, in the case of women, specific hair loss tends to be direct sign of a lack of minerals. Might think that it is due to a lack of iron, but you should know that sometimes we can also suffer a deficiency of zinc, chromium, manganese and even potassium.
- It tries to maintain a varied and balanced diet. If you're a vegetarian, you should care the contributions of iron through vitamins, and if you have doubts about whether you're feeding properly, consult with a nutritionist.
- Remember to include in your diet nuts, such as walnuts and almonds. They are very appropriate and have many of these essential minerals. They are delicious!
- It provides regular check-ups with your doctor to find out if you suffer from a deficiency in your diet.
3. dry hair: what is?

Dry hair is product, usual, external agents, as the effect of the Sun, the use of dyes, chemicals... Not always have dry hair is due to a health problem. However, there are details that you should know and that will help:
- Do you use anti-dandruff shampoo? According to dermatologists, continued use of anti-dandruff shampoos usually result which is from drying out the hair. These products do is to absorb moisture, as well as including a composition based on antifungal agents who mistreat the hair. Solution? It borders the anti-dandruff shampoo once or twice a week. The rest of day, uses more moisturizing shampoos.
- Do you use shampoo to keep the color of your hair dye? In this case the same thing happens. These products contain a very high level of chemicals that dry out the hair. Use them once a week.
- Tobacco, spend many hours in the Sun or pollution also dries the hair. You can use moisturizing oils to protect yourself. An example? Coconut oil. It is excellent.
4. itching on the scalp

We descartaremos, firstly, dermatological problems, or other more common aspects such as, for example, lice. When it comes to associating the subject of itching in the scalp and health, we must inevitably talk about problems of stress, and can be found in two ways:
- Recurrent stress: All have experienced it on occasion. The itching and irritation on the scalp often occur, for example, at times of tests, in those days when we suffer labor pressures or have problems at home. Associated nervous fatigue. We suffer our metabolism changes, so it is common to suffer from extreme capillary sensitivity.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder: The loss of a loved one, an accident or witness something traumatic can bring us many consequences. It is interesting to know that, in these cases, as well as suffer itchy scalp and irritation, it may occur also hair loses color and, little by little, becomes gray.
The stress is almost always, this silent enemy that alters many of our core functions, making us sick and avoiding that we can be so beautiful as we wish. Take care!
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