Although it is usually due to the accumulation of gases which are of no greater complication, it is important to know other possible causes of abdominal inflammation and take them into account

All want to have a flat stomach and worthy look. And is that you apart from being aesthetically bad, have swollen abdomen may be a sign that something is not quite right in your body. Most likely is that your health may be compromised, and therefore that the reaction of your abdomen is swollen.
Then we'll show you some of the most common causes that cause abdominal swelling. Also we will tell you how you should be treated, and if your case, try to avoid them to prevent major health risks.
Constipation is one of the main causes of bulging belly. A diet low in fiber, fluids and if this add, little physical activity, will cause your body to suffer constipation. So avoid it by eating more fruits, vegetables, legumes and seeds. In addition to this attempts to drink plenty of fluids and play a cardiovascular sport for a minimum of 30 minutes daily.Allergies
There are many people who have allergies to different types of food. Some of these allergies can cause abdominal swelling. Lactose, for example, It can be one of the most frequent swelling causes, since it causes to gases accumulate in the body, so it is best that if you're allergic to this food, you substitute for yogurt, cheese and milk deslactosados and low in fats.Speed in meals
There is another reason that may cause bulging in your stomach, and is often confused with another type of condition, and is the pregnancy. If this is your case or perhaps you have a question, we recommend that you practise a pregnancy test. If you leave positive start to attend pregnancy normal controls, to prevent future problems of gestation or the baby.
Accumulation of liquids
The accumulation of fluids will also make your abdomen to swell. If so, it is preferable that you consult your doctor, as this can be serious.Processed foods
Diseases may also cause inflammation in your abdomen. Some of them are: cardiovascular diseases and tumors, cirrhosis, appendicitis, stomach ulcer, diverticulitis, pancreatitis and menstrual syndrome, among others. You must be clear that if it is your case, that you may be suffering from one of these diseases or otherwise, is necessary to pay particular attention to this condition and visit your doctor. It is indispensable that through a diagnosis get out of doubts and start to have healthier habits in terms of food, workout, routines of relaxation etc.
Should finally know that abdominal inflammation is usually caused by an inadequate power supply, or bad habits of life. We recommend that you consume foods rich in fiber, your stomach will thank you. Fruits and vegetables also help improve your digestion, it will be translated in a flatter abdomen.
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