Both cherries au naturel as its juice can help us reduce the levels of uric acid. Remember that it does not consume them into jams or pies
Uric acid. A very present problem in part of the population which causes us serious health problems. All of us have this compound in the blood, but in small quantities that must always remain at normal levels. A way to get it is caring for our food and consume adequate fruits, those that can help us.
What is uric acid and why causes it my body?

The uric acid sbasically on waste products from our blood. Purines from food and dead cells. Usually, as you have stated before all of us have certain level of uric acid, but if we don't take care of our food will produce an excess of this element. Our kidneys don't filter it properly and concentrates originating a condition known as hyperuricemia.
If not check it, if they continue to soar uric acid levels are in danger of this finished crystallizing in joints and tissues, causing that we all know as drop, that annoying and painful inflammation of the joints - very typical in the toes - with a very characteristic redness.
And foods we should avoid? With a little of your effort this disease you can beat, so remember, avoid to all red meat, meat known as of hunting, alcoholic beverages, coffee...
Appropriate fruit to lower uric acid
1 oranges and lemons

We love, no doubt if we got used to start each day with a lemon juice with water in fasting? Simply ideal. Later, you can continue with other orange juice, a toasted integral with olive oil and a few nuts. Perfect. Vitamin C is great to reduce the uric acid in blood. Rolling back those crystals attached to our joints, helping us to eliminate them. Don't forget either that this group also are limes and Grapefruits, so keep that in mind, in this variety of fruits rich in vitamin C know that always can help you with a couple of juices a day.
2. apples

Tasty green or red apples, no matter. They are simply great to go down the uric acid. We recommend especially to drink its juice follows: Peel and cut up three blocks, and add one litre of water. Cocelas for half an hour, for a wonderful and very therapeutic juice to take throughout the day. Do not include sugar!
3. strawberries

If you are able to get them, take advantage of the season and consume them daily. They are rich in vitamin C, and its essential components are well suited to undo these purine present in our blood that cannot be removed by the kidneys. You can eat strawberries for example in your breakfast, as well as its water, also very suitable if you cueces them and then the raisins by blender with a little water. And as always remember not to add sugar, nor choose those that are more mature, since your glucose level is perhaps too high.
4. The Cranberries

Know that they are not easy to find in all countries, but is generally considered as one of the fruits with greater medicinal benefits to treat uric acid. If you suffer from this disease would be necessary to try them to find them, its richness in Vitamin C and anthocyanins are very effective, perfect for example for a cup of this tasty fruit after your lunch.
5. the cherries

Who are not passionate about the cherries? These small fruits are ideal to reduce both uric acid and cholesterol. We know that it is a seasonal fruit and that, in many countries they are not readily available. But if you can find them in your stores, even in its own juice, do not hesitate, you will help. Just eating a ten cherries a day to go down the uric acid level. And always in its natural form, i.e. don't make pies or jams with them, only in its natural form. Clean them thoroughly before eating them and to take advantage of them.
You know, these fruits are very indicated for lowering uric acid, but it is essential you to join them with a good diet low in fats, wherever they are not red meat. Remember for example that a very beneficial vegetables is artichoke.
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