The new benefits of vitamin C

Los nuevos beneficios de la vitamina C
As it is very well known by all, vitamins are very important for the health and the proper functioning of our body, among the most recognized and most benefits provides is the vitamin C; This is very important both for health and for the good appearance of the skin, also it helps in the growth and repair of tissues.
Recent studies have shown that there are new benefits provided by this vitamin, and that can mean big changes in our daily diet. We are going to meet them.

Vitamin C and its benefits

Through studies conducted by British researchers from The Imperial College, came to the conclusion that vitamin C has many more benefits that has always believed. One of these discoveries is that this vitamin has a large number of agents that can protect us from the harmful effects of the different contaminants that are in the air, such as those which produce the gases expelled by automobiles.
During this investigation were studied at least 209 people who are among the 54 and 74 years of age, by means of which was to determine that there is a strong relationship between oxidative stress and pollution that produce fuels for automobiles.
The experts found that at least 35 per cent of this population have increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the curious thing about this information is that all these people have very low levels of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that has the great ability to Cancel the action of free radicals, this way people who are accustomed to regularly eat foods rich in vitamin C, are very well protected from health problems which can cause contamination of the environment. Furthermore it is known that free radicals may contribute to the development of cancer and to suffer heart disease, as well as some respiratory diseases.

Foods that provide us with vitamin C

As we already know, consumption regulating this important vitamin supports the health of all our body, greatly but mostly we can prevent from suffer from diseases such as asthma, which is caused by exposure to the environment pollution caused by gases emitted by automobiles, especially in big cities where traffic is too much.

Vitamin C-rich fruits

  • Kiwi
  • Lemon
  • Tangerine
  • Watermelon
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple or pineapple
  • Guavas
  • Strawberry

Vegetables rich in vitamin C

  • Tomato
  • Carrot
  • Radishes
  • Chiles
  • Oregano
  • Garlic
In this way we can reach the conclusion that this important vitamin in any way may be absent in our daily diet, foods that can provide these benefits - such as fruits and vegetables mentioned above - are also a real treat.
Many are quite refreshing if eaten in its natural presentation or course, you can prepare delicious smoothies. With respect to vegetables, we can add them to the soups or salads.
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