Accompanied by a balanced diet and physical activity, bitter orange is the ideal complement to burn fat, because it activates the metabolism and helps to eliminate liquids.

Do you know the bitter orange and its benefits? Surely little heard of it despite being very similar to the traditional Orange, have less famous, but equally has benefits that favor much health. One of the properties that most draw attention of this citrus fruit, is their ability to lose weight; its capabilities will help burn fat, improve metabolism and becomes an ideal ally for weight loss.
Benefits of bitter orange for weight loss
Several investigations have seen that bitter orange has properties that promote weight loss, since they favors fat burning and disposing of waste not needed by the body. The main benefits which has bitter orange for weight loss include:- It increases metabolism.
- Help to burn fat located.
- Promotes digestive performance, helping to alleviate problems such as constipation, due to its laxative power.
- It is cleansing.
- Combat fluid retention.
- Increases caloric expenditure, so that our body reduced the level of calories significantly.
- Gives feeling of satiety and thanks to this will avoid eating at all times.
How can I eat the bitter orange?

One of the most common forms of the benefits of the Orange bitter to lose weight, is through the preparation of tea.
- 4 sour oranges cut into halves.
- 1 litre of water
What should you do?
Please enter in a pot the litre of water and 4 bitter oranges cut into halves (with shell). Put to fire and boil for 10 minutes. Once pass this time, strain and drink the water several times a day, preferably during the three main meals.Other uses...
Bitter orange is also used as a condiment, as well as in the preparation of jams and liqueurs. While its consumption may vary, continues to be of great benefit to health, although in the case of their benefit for weight loss, the most recommended is the infusion.Is it possible to lose weight only with bitter orange?

Like many other products and plants for slimming, bitter orange alone should be used as a supplement to help enhance the effects of thinning in the organism. This fruit can help you to burn fat through the activation of the metabolism, elimination of retained liquids and better digestion. But to make it work with favorable results, it is important to take a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and foods with fiber. Also avoid the consumption of junk food and daily physical activity should be increased.
Side effects of bitter orange
The consumption of bitter orange must be moderate, since its stimulants can increase blood pressure or increase the pace heart. It is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular problems; their consumption is not recommended if medications of any kind, are eating since it can have negative reactions in the body.The increase in blood pressure that may result in the consumption of bitter orange, it may cause other discomforts of health such as headaches, migraines, dizziness, fainting and even has come to be associated with sudden death or heart attack. It is recommended to make a consultation with a specialist, before deciding to lose weight with bitter orange.
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