They are used to disinfect a wound, or avoid complications by dirt from the atmosphere or clothing. Instead of having the kit full of drugs, do not hesitate to get these natural antiseptics, whose effects are superior and at the same time, do not have contraindications.
What are the properties of antiseptics?
An antiseptic is a product that contains certain elements or ingredients that remove microbes or viruses that may affect any wound produced recently, such as a cut, a scratch, etc. do not allow the wound to swell or becomes infected.In the case of natural antiseptics, applied as the purchased at the pharmacy, on the affected area once we wash it with water and if possible neutral SOAP. They are also known as external antibiotics. Is good to keep in mind that they will serve in case of mild or moderate, superficial or household wounds.

What are the best natural antiseptics?
- Honey: is one of the products of the type most commonly used, since ancient times, to heal wounds. It is that honey has great antiseptic properties that allow you to disinfect merely to spread on the skin. It allows in turn accelerate cellular regeneration and close cuts more quickly.

- Carrot: is very effective when disinfecting wounds and also to treat postulencias. Prepare a paste with a carrot boiled and then shredded. Apply on the affected area for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water without exerting pressure or scraping.
- Onion: surely know that the onion is one of the best bactericides that exist, why is that many use it to prevent colds in winter, by placing a piece of this plant in a glass with water under the bed. You can not miss in our list of the best natural antiseptics because it also has various modes of application: boiled, roasted or applying thin fabrics that are between coats, directly on the wound.
- Lavender: is not simply a pretty plant with a wonderful aroma. Lavender also serves to heal wounds, as an element with astringent and antibiotic properties. It is necessary to prepare an infusion with flowers or branches and apply to the skin. It can also be used as a poultice on the wound.

- Garlic: when garlic is not present in any list of natural remedies. It is that you it's the best fungicides that exist, avoiding wounds fester. Peel some cloves of garlic and mash them until they form a paste, which you must apply in infections caused by fungi such as the Onychomycosis (on nails), athlete's foot, etc.
- Walnut: For several years this species is used in traditional medicine to treat various problems, due to its astringent, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. It serves for the affections of the skin if placed as a natural oil or tea.
- Laurel: another from antiseptics to be found in dietary stores. It is a disinfectant and antiseptic wonderful because its leaves contain several compounds that help form a barrier against viruses and bacteria. It can be used, as the cactus, in the form of essential oil or tea.
- Oregano: surely have oregano in your House with other spices. Even if you didn't know, you could have an excellent antiseptic, among other virtues. You can make a paste with the crushed leaves, a poultice or an infusion and applied to wounds.

- Aloe vera: also known as Aloe Vera, is an item with great antiseptic properties and is very simple to obtain. We must only have an aloe vera plant, cut a stem, opening in the Middle, and juicing its gelatinous green semi transparent. It is applied directly on the affected area and is then covered with a clean dry cotton cloth. He served in cases of light Burns, cuts and scrapes.
- Lemon: not all believe the antiseptic abilities which has lemon, because they considered that it is a fruit whose acidity will make burn to the smallest wounds. However, you will be surprised of their capabilities but if it is true that it can be a rather painful procedure at the beginning. But it is worthwhile, because the effects are very favorable. Not recommended when there are Burns but if for cuts or scratches. You can apply the juice in an embedded cloth, cut a slice, or directly apply a lemon cut in half over the wound.
- Hen's egg: is very useful as an antiseptic because it contains fluids that were designed to create a new life be (chick) and keep it free from germs or contaminants until birth and after. It is ideal for burns when they are light. You must make a small cut in the shell of the egg and emptying the clear. Then apply it massaging smoothly on the condition. Leave it to dry after a few hours and only rinsed with lukewarm water. You can repeat the procedure several times.
- Eucalyptus: antiseptic properties of eucalyptus found in its leaves, they must be crushed with a little water to form a paste with refreshing scent that is placed on cuts and scrapes and burns not exposed, where have not popped blisters.
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