In our space you have talked about the great benefits of consuming oats on many occasions. However, today we want to find out why it would be appropriate that you included it every day on your breakfast and the whole family.
While for dinner would be preferable other foods, in those first hours of the day, the OAT will be your best ally to start the day.
Do you want to know why? Take note!
1 oats, the best source of energy
It is considered to oats as one of the best foods that exist for the human being, a basic resource by which to obtain maximum power. If you usually spend many hours away from home, or if you do a job that requires a lot of mental or physical effort, do not hesitate and included in your breakfast a good bowl of oatmeal.In addition to being rich in vitamins B, oats complex has calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, sodium, fiber... A treasure of benefits able to give us the maximum energy in those first hours of the day.
It is interesting to know also that Oatmeal is fairly to treat anxiety. Why is this magic plugin able to give you strength and inner balance to deal with day-to-day problems.
2. the oats, a purifying food

Start the day with a food that will allow us to purify the organism is without doubt, the most healthy and intelligent choice. You will help you to clean your intestines of toxins and your arteries of that excess fat that can cause arteriosclerosis.
It is an ideal medicinal remedy for controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol, in order to promote the functioning of the liver... So, if you're from which they start the morning taking some vitamin tablets, what if you replaced them for a few days for a cup of oats to see how it works? It is wonderful!
3 controls blood sugar levels

Nothing better than oatmeal to control Glycemic in our body. In this way, you will manage to balance this element which, in the long run, can lead us to the dreaded diabetes, debugging at the same time very effectively all that excess sugar that often leave us with various foods.
4 oatmeal to keep an active brain

Are you a student? Do you have a job with so much pressure? Would you like to improve your memory or your concentration in these first hours of the day? Then, do not hesitate: prepare a rich breakfast where no oats are missing. These are the reasons why can help you maintain a healthy and active brain:
- Oats is very rich in Silicon, a mineral essential for our brain, for the strengthening of nerve cells.
- Carbohydrates present in Oats help to get that daily energy you need our brains. In fact, did you know that the brain needs to almost 20% of our total energy?
- Oats contain a very adequate level of vitamin B1, perfect for strengthening the blood circulation of the brain, to improve connectivity and take care that our memory will remain agile.
- Oatmeal is very high in phosphorus, so it would be convenient that also you prepararas them to your children a cup every day. In this way, we will help your brain to grow with strength and power, while we will favor the formation of the central nervous system.
5 oatmeal to take care of our weight

Would you like to lose a few pounds with health and in a nice way? Then, start the morning with a glass of natural and freshly cooked oats. You will enjoy its taste and, in addition, you will have an ally very effective to take care of your figure. These are the reasons why oats will help you lose weight already from your breakfast:
- Oats has very few calories, which are compensated at the same time by a high rate of minerals and vitamins, as well as amino acids that care for the health of your liver. All this makes to come out of the House well nourished and with very few calories.
- OAT is a satiating food.
- The Oatmeal is very rich in fiber, which, you'll avoid annoying constipation and purify your body very effectively.
- The OAT is also diuretic. It will make you go to the bathroom too often, thus avoiding the accumulation of toxins or classical fluid retention.
- Also limiting the level of glucose in blood, it will prevent that these harmful fats that make us gain weight or increasing our bad cholesterol stored in our body.
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