Seasonal changes are propitious times to begin to suffer annoying colds and above all, the flu. Depending on our State of health can be more or less serious, but always worthwhile to be forewarned and know how to treat them. From our space we want to show you what type of fruit can help you.
1. how to prevent the flu

There is a very illustrative phrase left to us by Hippocrates in the fifth century a. C saying: "that your food be your medicine, and your medicine, your food '. What us comes to explain this? It basically illustrates us the need to take good care of our food, to be selective in everything that we offer our body so that every day, it can serve as a shield against possible diseases.
The flu can be very dangerous for people with low defences a weakened immune system, or that they already study another type of diseases. Perfect for everyone would be to take so-called preventive foods in those times the flu appears already among the population. Especially with the changes of seasons. The Spanish society of general practitioners and family, indicate what fruit can be essential to protect us from the flu, and to mitigate its effects if we suffer it. Notes!
2. appropriate fruit to treat the flu
1. the Crimson treasure of grenades

Is a delicious fruit that arrives in winter and whose medicinal properties are known since ancient times. Gives us great antioxidants and more folic acid than the you green, almost three times more. It also has lots of vitamin C and is essential to treat sore throats and ear infections. You can take grenades in juice, in salads or in a natural way.
2 oranges and lemons, our allies

Sure you already knew it. They are our natural gifts that is rich in vitamin C, whom our defenses and those alleviate many of our symptoms of colds and flu. It would be very necessary that you desayunaras every day a natural glass of orange juice, and mid-afternoon, you prepararas you a lemon tea. So get a lemon juice, add half a glass of water and two tablespoons of honey. Removes well and let that you warm, to then take gradually. Delicious!
3. the medicinal kiwi

There are many experts who say that, if you have to choose between a kiwi and Orange for breakfast, it is almost better kiwi. Why? Very simple, because it has more vitamin C and also helps us prevent greater degree the constipation. You can choose the fruit you want, if you don't take one at breakfast, you can take the other in your lunch, because both are good and can not miss in your diet to prevent the flu.
4. the strawberries and the rich fruits of the forest

Are rather hard to find in cold weather, but any calls fruit "of the forest", such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries, stand as warriors against the flu and colds. They are very rich in vitamin C and antioxidant, are good to strengthen our defences and combine with many milkshakes, also in salads, rich breakfast or even tasty sauces for meats such as chicken, as it is the case of the blueberry. Don't try them.
5. healthy pineapples

As in the case of oranges and lemons, pineapples son no doubt a more healthy and healthy fruits. They are rich in Bromelain, an element that also acts as an expectorant great where you have mucus in the chest because of the cold or the flu. They are also swollen treasures of antioxidants and vitamin C, that will come to you well at any time of the day. You can take it in a natural way, jams or juices. It is simply delicious!
6. are you passionate about bananas?

Maybe surprised to see banana in among this list of fruits to treat and prevent the flu. Well, that have included it responds to important reasons, particularly if you finally suffer the annoying virus of this disease. The banana is going to provides rich nutrients and minerals during illness, it is an energy food that will keep you healthy even if you have no desire to eat. Ideal especially for children or the elderly who have lost appetite.
They also have the power to relieve the feeling of distress or vomiting, including diarrhea, a reality that can occur frequently during this enfermedad. It would be ideal that to eat better you hack it to finite slats, or that you simply did a beaten rico combined for example with an Apple or a handle. It is very nutritious and acts as a good medicine for when we suffer a flu.
To conclude, it is worth taking note of these healthy foods, these delicious fruits. Remember the phrase of Hippocrates and get your food your medicine and your medicine, your food. Do we start today itself?
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