Then see how this combination of herbs can help you prevent multiple ailments. If separated they are good, why not join them?

Turmeric and dandelion are two excellent medicinal remedies to prevent and treat many diseases, so it is very beneficial to us get used to take a daily infusion.
In this article we explain its benefits, as well as the way to take it to make it as effective as possible.
What does turmeric?
- It helps prevent cancer due to some of its components, which inhibit the growth of many tumors.
- It reduces the side effects of medication for cancer.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its content of Curcumin. This virtue becomes a powerful remedy for those who suffer pain, rheumatism, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.
- It soothes illnesses caused by an inflammation of the respiratory or urinary tract.
- It neutralizes the effects of free radicals in our body due to its excellent antioxidant properties.
- AIDS digestion and fight many digestive ailments, such as heartburn, ulcers, gastritis, etc.
- Protects the liver and gallbladder, helps prevent gallstones and liver cirrhosis and jaundice diseases can improve.
- It is a natural antidepressant .
- It fights infection and increases the defenses in a natural way. It is very effective in the early stages of colds, flus, etc.

What does dandelion?
- Cleanses the body of toxins and regulates the imbalances that tend to reflect the analytical, such as cholesterol, uric acid or gout or diabetes.
- It helps us to remove the fluid that holds our body and cause us edema or swelling.
- It protects the liver and gallbladder naturally stimulating its function, so it can be very beneficial in cases of hepatitis.
- It improves the functioning of the kidneys and helps to prevent cystitis and urethritis.
- Improves digestive function and stimulates the appetite.
- It acts as a mild laxative.
- It improves the condition of skin problems such as grains, acne, rashes, psoriasis, etc.
- It promotes the healing of wounds.
- Thanks to its content of tannins, it has soothing properties for vascular disorders of extremities, so it is useful in cases of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
- It keeps the hair and skin healthy thanks to its Silicon content.
- Its iron content makes it an excellent remedy for preventing and treating anemia.

Why an infusion every night?
Thanks to the combination of the properties of these two medicinal plants, If we take an infusion every night before going to sleep we are favouring the purification and regeneration of the body, at the same time that we reduce the risk of disease or quench the symptoms which they have at that time.On the other hand, we also recommend to take it at night to facilitate the regeneration of the liver, an organ that is recovered in the early hours of the morning and that will help us to purify the body and facilitate bowel function the next day.
How are we preparing it?
We recommend to prepare this tea just before taking it.- We will put a cup (200 ml) of water to a boil.
- When you give the first boil, we power the fire and add one teaspoon (5 grams) of dandelion and half teaspoon (3 grams) of turmeric powder.
- We will cover the bowl and leave to stand for five minutes.
- Strain and, if we want to sweeten it, we add a bit of Stevia, but in any case to avoid sugar.

- The dandelion is a plant that grows in a wild manner in the field and which is characterised by its toothed leaves and its eye-catching yellow flower. If we have a chance to pick up this plant in a clean place and no pollution, can add fresh leaves to salads or use them to prepare for the infusion of night.
- Turmeric is a spice widely used in oriental cooking, characterised by an intense yellow color that is also used as a natural dye, in the same way as saffron. We can add it in small quantities to any type of dish, even to sweet recipes as flan, custard, or milkshakes, its taste is not very strong and we will thus benefit from all its properties.
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