In addition to by poor diet, the health of your colon and your liver also can be affected by your times of stress and anxiety or concerns

Overweight may be due to many causes. Although it is true that, sometimes, factors such as genetics, stress, or alterations in thyroid cause we padezcamos those extra pounds, but we must also take into account that have a clean colon and liver healthy and strong is vital.
We are sure that has happened many times in which no diet gave you results. Your metabolism slows somewhat and is nearly impossible to eliminate the fat that accumulates in the abdomen and hips. What can we do? The advice of a doctor and a nutritionist is always appropriate. We, in our space, we also recommend to implement this series of tips.
Relationship between overweight and a poisoned colon

Our body tends to undergo many hormonal and metabolic changes throughout our lives. Normal is that come a time in which notes that it is more difficult to lose weight, in that they tend to increase a few kilos without understanding very well the reason. You start to follow very strict diets with which, far from losing weight, what you get is to feel more discouraged, with hunger and a general malaise.
Is it why? Metabolic changes affect our liver as well as our colon. We need to tackle the problem from a different perspective, since it is not "eat less" but "eat well" and improve our habits of life, both physical and emotional.
We give you a few clues that can tell you clearly that your colon is intoxicated and that you need to make some changes in your life:
- Abdominal swelling.
- Poor digestion.
- Gas, malaise.
- Constipation alternating with diarrhea day.
- Fatigue.
- Headache that is not relieved with pain medication. This is due to our liver and our colon are "saturated", can not therefore adequately processed drugs. That is why they are not as effective as we expect.
- We noticed the very white tongue, with a bitter taste in the morning.
- There are times of day when you feel hungry , but then, the loss of appetite makes, for example, that you can not dinner. These variations lead to follow , improper eating habits that alter our general health even more.
Guidelines for the colon cleanse and combat overweight
1. in fasting

As soon as you wake up, you should take in any of these three remedies fasting. It is suitable to consume them for 10 days straight, then, rest one week. If you wish, you can switch them. They are easy to prepare and will allow you to debug the body, strengthen the colon and liver, alkalize your body and get some very appropriate vitamins:
- A tablespoon of Virgin olive oil extra (20 grams) with a few drops of lemon juice.
- A glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
- A glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda (20 grams) mixed with the juice of half a lemon.
2. in your breakfast

Never skip your breakfast: is the most important part of the day and that will allow us to put to work our metabolism to combat overweight. We give you a few very healthy choices:
- A Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of flax or linseed seed. Green tea. An Apple.
- A papaya juice. A bowl of oatmeal with almonds 5.
- Cranberry juice. A rye bread sandwich with an egg cooked to slats, greased with olive oil.
- Greek yogurt with a kiwi into small pieces. A PEAR.
- Grapefruit juice. An omelette with spinach.
3. the importance of drinking two liters of water a day

It is essential that you remember to drink plenty of water daily: it will help debugging toxins, improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys... If it costs you a little drink those 8 glasses of water daily, it adds to your bottle of water a bit of lemon juice, which will make it much more enjoyable.
4. the best infusions

There are 5 very suitable infusions to cleanse and revitalize the colon that you will go very well for after your lunch. Takes note of these medicinal plants:
- Infusion of Mint.
- Infusion of thyme.
- Salvia infusion.
- Aniseed infusion.
- Infusion of Chamomile.
5. a remedy to strengthen and purify the colon

Takes note of this medicinal recipe that you will have to take twice a week, in the morning or in the afternoon. It is so delicious as medicinal blending.
- A nopal leaf.
- The juice of an orange.
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera (20 grams).
- A glass of water (200 ml).
- We will start doing the cooking of nopal with aloe vera leaf. To do this, when the water is boiling, add the tablespoon of aloe vera gel and the cactus and leaves to cook about 20 minutes.
- After that time, we put out the fire and now add orange juice.
- Next? Returns to the Blender all this mixture to get well homogeneously blended. You can add, if you wish, a little honey. You see how well you feel!
6 beware of these aspects

There are a number of details that you must eliminate from your life to combat overweight and take care of the health of your liver and your colon. It's not just improve your diet, we are also talking about our emotional world. Notes:
- Manage properly your emotions, anxiety, worries and stress, since they directly affect the function of many of our organs such as the colon or liver.
- Improves your habits of life, salt to walk half an hour every day, take care that your relationships are always positive, aside from these toxic friends.
- Removes fats, sugars, and pre-cooked meals of your life: processed evil, us inflamed and we get sick.
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