10 reasons to take artichoke

To absorb water from the stomach, its fibers help control appetite, giving us the feeling of satiety and encouraging weight loss. It also stimulates the Elimination of liquids.
10 razones para tomar alcachofa
The artichoke is a vegetable so tasty as multipurpose, between its leaves hides a treasure of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants...
… A gift for our health that has been considered always as an ally for our organism, from ahi que during the middle ages, for example, was one of the most expensive foods that existed, one of the tastiest and why, Catherine of Médici paid high sums.
Artichoke has always been a highly prized food. It is known that the Greeks and the Romans already consumed it. During the Middle Ages was introduced in England by the hand of King Enrique VII, subsequently crossing the channel and Catalina de Médici becoming one of their most ardent consumers.
Las artichokes, also known as Cynaras, has several types, of which all parties takes advantage for its wonderful properties, that is why for example we can find it in the form of capsules in natural stores, but if you prefer it consumed in its natural form, remember to choose at your supermarket that has more weight, which has thick buds light green tone. They are the healthiest. But then we see the benefits of this super vegetable.

Benefits of the artichoke

Guia para perder peso
  • 1. its wonderful digestive properties make it ideal for treating diseases such as uric acid, rheumatism and problems of stones in the gallbladder.
  • 2. reduced triglycerides in blood, by which becomes really valuable to combat our cholesterol: reduce bad and increases HDL, the considered as good.
  • 3. helps us regulate the constipation and diarrhea.
  • 4. the artichoke has among its properties alleviate us heartburn, also eliminating pain, strains, pain...
  • 5. thanks to its benefits to reduce cholesterol. artichokes are a great allies to improve the problems of arteriosclerosis and high tension.
  • 6. its principles to take care of our stomach and aid in digestion, allows that the artichoke is perfect for remove the bile flow.
  • 7. the artichoke is also used in diets, and is that thanks to its vegetable fibers is more than perfect for controlling appetite to absorb water from the stomach, giving us a very suitable feeling of fullness.
  • 8. artichoke provides us with plenty of vitamins and minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamins A, B-vitamins, transform the sugar into energy... is without a doubt one vegetable more than basic to our daily diet.
  • 9. has diuretic qualities, removes the retention of fluids from the body, eliminates toxins... is thus ideal for problems of gout, arthritis, liver disease, circulatory problems, and to reduce fat in the case of obesity.
  • 10. There are studies carried out recently which indicate that thanks to acids caffeic, Pantothenic and artichoke flavonoids , are very suitable for prevent and improve in some types of cancer.

How to take the strainer?

The best way to enjoy the artichoke is steamed and cooked, a time made can accompany them with a little olive oil and Apple Cider vinegar. They are as healthy as tasty.
Remember that to cook them, you should clean them and cut them a little: stem and skin from the outside. (Stem, on the other hand, is well suited for soups and salads).
If you want to enjoy them boiled, put them in a pot with water and add the juice of 1 or 2 lemons, then cover the pot and when the water comes to a boil, let them Cook about 30-40 minutes to simmer. Then remove them and drain them, it is then when you have them ready to consume.

How to prepare artichoke slimming tea

As you've noted above, the artichoke is usually often used for slimming diets. Thanks to its properties to satisfy appetite, and to remove liquids, stands by itself as one of the most appropriate for these cases vegetables. A way of doing it is through tea strainer. You will learn how to do it and how to take it:
  • 20 grams of artichoke leaves.
  • 1 cup of boiling water.
  1. It takes the already clean Artichoke leaf, a pot you have with boiling water.
  2. Let boil for about ten minutes.
  3. When they have already spent ten minutes to remove them from the heat, drain and let sit another five minutes.

How to take artichoke tea for weight loss

  • You can drink up to 3 cups a day.
  • The satiating effect of artichoke have more effect, it is recommended to take 1 cup artichoke tea 30 minutes before each meal. You will notice results.
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