It replaces saturated fats and refined by fruit, vegetables and whole grain flours. Also removes alcohol and soft drinks and replace them with mineral water or fruit juice

Triglycerides are the chemical form in which most fat exists in food and body. They are a vital part of the formation of the blood plasma, they derive some fats that we eat and other sources of energy such as carbohydrates. Despite the good that may be, its excess leads to hypertriglyceridemia.
This disease has been linked to problems in the coronary artery and as a determinant of other conditions such as diabetes mellitus. To avoid these problems, the following basic recommendations to lower high triglycerides can be used.
You lose weight

Vegetables such as spinach and broccoli and fruits like Orange, Tangerine and Apple are also great sources of fiber
It is important to decrease the amount of foods and beverages high in calories and fat, it instead seeks to include a wider variety of fruits and vegetables. It has been shown that people with high rates of overweight regular manage your triglycerides quickly lose 10% of your weight. Just remember to do it naturally and healthy.
If you are not a very active person or spend many hours sitting, it is important that you increase your physical activity. 30 minutes of exercise three times a week can help lower high triglycerides up to 40%. It is not necessary that you start with great challenges, a short walk will suffice, and as you improve your physical condition you can increase your physical activity.
It reduces negative fats
Our body have the need and ability to contain and use certain amounts of fat in the form of triglycerides. However, those who wish to lower high triglycerides should avoid consuming large amounts of saturated and trans fats. This type of fat may be present in different dressings for salads, canned foods, butter, whole milk, margarines, breads, meats, and many others.It is important that you remember to read food labels to avoid these fats. It is recommended that 30% or less of the calories that you consume are fat shaped. On the other hand, you must include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, foods low in fat and lean meats.
Eat more Omega-3

The recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids varies between 2 and 3 grams per week.
Specialists recommend to include at least once a week this type of fat in your diet and you can find it in the salmon, sardines, trout Rainbow, herring and other fish. Another way to increase the consumption of Omega-3 fats is as a dietary supplement, but remember to consult your doctor.
Limit consumption of refined carbohydrates
Low quality carbohydrates (such as foods high in sugar or refined as white flour grains) severely affect your insulin levels, which in turn can raise your triglycerides levels. To lower high triglycerides to increase your consumer whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Foods to avoid include soft drinks, candy, artificial sweeteners, honey, jams and large amounts of juices, even if they are natural fruit.Drink less alcohol
If you have high levels of triglycerides, alcohol should not be part of your diet since even small amounts can be a big problem. Some people are more sensitive than others to the spirit, if this is your case and you want to lower high triglycerides, it would be advisable to change the alcohol for beverages made with natural fruit juice or mineral water.Just remember to monitor the quantity and quality of juice you eat. If despite the recommendation you want to consume alcohol, remember that the maximum limit is a drink a day for women and two for men.

Improve your triglyceride levels goes hand in hand with having a much more healthy and pleasant life.
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