If we are looking for a couple that we complement rather than complete us we enjoy much more. We must respect our personal spaces as well as our way of being. Don't try to change to another

There are many people who decide to renounce love, simply because you don't want to suffer again. Past traumatic experiences can be made to have this idea. But from our space, we invite you to be brave and try new. why not?
Love in freedom without feeling suffering
Normally says, there is no sentimental and emotional relationship that does not involve a certain amount of suffering. In a way, it is understandable. They put in a game many feelings, many emotions and even our own personal balance. But are many couples establishing a lasting and healthy relationship there where cousin happiness and that everyday life where two people manage to enrich each other. why not go get it for you? Certainly that.It is possible that throughout your life you have lived difficult moment, but we assure you that love is something that always worth the risk. But that Yes, knowing protect us and knowing master a few basic dimensions that keep our self-esteem. . Takes note of the following keys.
1 knowing yourself

It can be that this phrase sounds like you rather broad and diffuse. But it is necessary to establish a stable and mature relationship we know well ourselves. Do you know what are your limits? What they'd never be willing to do or endure? what are your values? What is what makes more damage you? There are people that will violate their own values, that leave to cross those personal boundaries in that is going gradually, undermining their self-esteem. Be clear what you like and what not. It starts a relationship matures and safely. "I know who I am and am not going to let anyone destroy my integrity".
2 having partner to be happy, not to cry

Please clear one aspect: one maintains a relationship to be happy, to establish a commitment and that enrich us as individuals. If at some point you start to realize that there are more tears than smiles, will be the moment in which we begin to value certain things. But we must take it into account, few things are so intense in life like feel loved and loving someone. It is something that is worthwhile. Think that the goal is to be happy, and try once again be worth. Because everyone deserves second chances which, successful people know really make us wake up each day with a smile.
3 always be yourself, you do not allow you to change

You know how you are. You know you are good at many things, who are brave, capable and have to many family and friends who you want to. Your own self-esteem and that social circle which you have show you as you are and the virtues of which you have. If the person that you like or that you're falling in love calls into question your self-esteem or you underestimated something, do not follow later. We must flee from those that threaten our personality and that make us feel inferior. Two people come together to learn one of the other, to enjoy, to laugh, to share and to grow. At the moment they don't feel you same, he flees. But if that person values as you are, you want to because of your virtues and also your defects, do not miss it. And we assure you that there are people as well, people deserve to love.
4 what. do not give everything for the other person, protect yourself

There are relationships in which out of love, we do it all for the person we love. To the point of losing our own integrity and our own self-esteem. Don't let who you handled, that you chantajeen, that act as emotional vampires. Love should be an Exchange where two people offer equally balancing the scale. "I offer you free because I know that you would do the same for my". If we offer without receiving anything, and do not get respect, come frustration. The ideal, is to find someone that we want without ever expecting anything in return.
5. the importance of the personal spaces

Sure that you have your passions, your hobbies, your hobbies... those things that you enjoy doing with your friends or your family. There are things that we must not abdicate because others force us. The respect for the personal space is vital to establish a healthy relationship. One thing is that space that the two share, there where enjoy, where do the life in common... but we all need those moments of solitude to be with ourselves, of those kind and enriching time with our friends. Must be taken into account, if "we are cutting back" those personal spaces to make them disappear by our partner, perdermos part of our identity and will not be healthy. But if the other person respects you and allows that you have freely your personal spaces, do not hesitate, is someone who is worth.
Remember, love is not synonymous with suffering. Love is the ultimate expression of happiness and the will to live, it is an adventure that is worthwhile and that you also deserve.
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