What matters is the here and now. Not you ancles at the past or worry too much about the future. Let the Sun illuminate your days.

Depression is the most common mental disorder among the population, and in addition, the leading cause of sick leave in the world today. You also want to know that the world best-selling medications are antidepressants, and that according to figures from the who (World Health Organization), each year raises his administration between 10 and 15%.
What is happening? Is it increasingly more complicated life and we most vulnerable? The truth is that a "why" clear and conclusive there is to us a response, we could say that each person is unique and that there are two depressions equal. Is for this reason that today, is very difficult to offer strategies that we are all, however, that we can keep in mind these simple considerations to bear them in mind in every day.
We encourage you to meet them in the next article.
1. the key is to self-esteem

We see the life that surrounds us and interpret it according to our self-esteem. If yours is low, you obsessed you in others, for example, achieved things that escape you, and you will see yourself as someone who does not deserve certain things, or even more, has "enough" to get them.
The lack of self esteem creates imbalances and internal conflicts that are making a dent slowly throughout our lives. Is often said to be one of the most dangerous depressions is the endogenous. In these cases, there is never a specific features that cause disease or disorder. The problem is within us and has been brewing probably since our childhood.
If the family context has always been complicated, if the links with our parents have not been good enough or has not led a proper emotional maturity, our self-esteem will have always been low. Every day will be storing an inexplicable sadness, a lack of motivation and a discouragement that leads to depression.
Take care your self-esteem! Be the hero in your life and not a supporting actor!
2. the suffering will not be forever

Sure it, depression is not going to last a lifetime nor does this pain that you now feel inside you and you freeze. If you focus your day to day in a more rational way, discarding the negative thoughts and finding everyday illusions, depression is will be taking off you like a cold shadow able to fade and disappear.
3. focus on the present

The past is no longer there, is gone. What good is you focus your attention on those days of yesteryear that only cause you suffering? Not worth it, just as you should not fall never to think of the future of fatalistic mode. You do not have a crystal ball to anticipate everything that can happen.
Limit yourself to live the here and the now with the maximum intensity and happiness you deserve. It is the only thing that is worthwhile.
4 ask for help always, but most indicated people

It is possible that they have told you many times that of " family is the first that should help you, it never fails you". Well, that is true however, must be taken into account that there are people that sometimes cause us more harm than good. There are who think that if they have diagnosed you depression is "because you are a weak person who is always sad".
Be careful. Seek professional help and, later, lean on those family and friends who really know how to listen to you, who are always right with their words and those who know how to comfort you.
5. to your depression doesn't like it that you leave home

So. Depression the dark and the windows closed, as well as silence, loves where shut yourself in with their negative and fatalistic thoughts. Do not be convinced, do not listen to it and go for a walk every day for half an hour. It allows the air to envelop you, to the Sun you cuddle with your warmth and people talk to you. Surround yourself of life, movement, light and everyday joy.
6. to your depression loves the "unhealthy food"

The pastries, snacks, pre-cooked meals, soft drinks... All are foods that satisfy our anxiety and that provide us with that momentary pleasure but, in reality, what they do is to encourage our chemical imbalance and further feed those neurotransmitters that intensify our depression.
It starts to consume more fruit and vegetables, water, teas, Bach flowers, consume oats... Follow a healthy diet that will allow you to feel better and accumulate fewer toxins.
7 decide to say no to depression

It is not easy. Say no to depression requires strength and courage, but there is something that you have to be very clear: you are not your depression. You are a person who deserves to be happy again, which deserves to see life with enthusiasm and hope. So... and if we get rid doctrinally starting today from out that shadow that strives to make you suffer?
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