Today due to the multiple activities that we carry out, and the lack of time for leisure and rest, forget to take simple precautions to avoid discomfort such as low back pain, that common and annoying pain in the low back area.
Carrying out some simple recommendations when it comes to undertake our daily routine we can prevent and live fully every moment without these hassles.
Why there low back pain?
Back pain They are caused by efforts that exceed the capacity of our muscles, either on intensity or duration, and also by bad posture in motion or at rest. The muscles are stressed, they swell and here comes the annoying pain.We must bear in mind that the muscles are like elastic bands that have the ability of contraction and the return to its normal state of relaxation. When the movement or the action performed is abruptly and the muscle is tensed from a bad position, but does not have the ability to return to its normal state.
When the muscle stays in State of permanent tension occurs we call muscle Contracture. This condition is responsible for the subsequent inconvenience.
Take care of the position

When objects are moved, try to always take them the more glued to the body to not force the column.
When it comes to sit we must do this support back in the back, and feet must be firmly supported in the soil. To get up from the Chair, placing one foot slightly behind the other and push us gently. Should avoid getting up suddenly and without support.
Both to sit and get up to use the armrests if any, or but take advantage of the support and allow ourselves to fall slowly and gently. If we are going to be many hours sitting, it is important that feet are placed on a supplementary to a certain height, so that your knees are higher than the coccyx, this will be a great relief back.
At bedtime

If it is mouth up, place a pillow under both knees to relax the muscles of the lower back. Try that the neck is not stressed with the other pillow that we put under the head. Sometimes, for our structure cervical is better not to use it.
Let us not forget that the right mattress should not be very hard or not very soft. Also it benefits us a wide bed more even if we sleep accompanied to change position with greater freedom and frequency.
Help with stretching
They consist in the stretching of the muscles to reduce tensions and improve mobility. They are perfect to be conducted before starting the day, warming the muscles to avoid injuries and can also be done at the end of our activities to return to the muscle relaxation.They must be carried out in a quiet, smoothly and taking into account the principle of pain is the stretch limit. We should feel stretching of the muscle without discomfort.
Examples of stretches

For a more relaxing effect we can accompany the stretching with soft, slow breathing.
Knees sat on top of the feet and we gently dropped the chest to the knees, stretch the arms forward as if we want to achieve something with the fingers of the hands. We also maintain the position for 10 to 15 seconds.
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