A healthy sex life is one of the cornerstones to feel good both physical as mentally at any stage we are traveling life. Live sex without taboos and freedom makes us feel full, raises us self-esteem and to benefit our immune system.
In this way, can not live our sexuality with total pleasure because all the time feel that are less than what we see in film or other media. The consequence of this is that we are always unsatisfied and frustrated, since real life does not meet our expectations, which are very high and unreachable. This undermines our health behavior and impact on other aspects of our lives, it makes us feel depressed and with low self-esteem.
What do see when we see models and actors of erotic movies? Only actors. Many of them spend hours in the gym to have dreamed up bodies and which are not in accordance with reality. Obviously, kilos of makeup and an army of Illuminators and assistants who ensure that your image looks incredible have.
In the scenes, we see sexual encounters lasting hours, men who seem to be sculpted by a divine hand... And not to mention the sizes: any man is "short" if we compare them with these actors. Orgasms seem to be accompanied by fireworks of Hoollywood and positions seem to be performed by acrobats of Cirque Du Soleil. Course, the magic of the film makes all this seem real.
What we see in our reality? We see some gray, some wrinkles, kilos, weak muscles, bloated abdomens, and bodies that are the result of living life and some deliveries. Our couples are perhaps already bald with bellies showing a taste for beer and sausages. So; life itself.
Often this scenario looks bleak what we see on television: the key, if one looks for happiness, is to leave compared with impossible stereotypes and worry by what one ago.
What is the best thing we can do that which disturbs us in a realistic manner?
How important it is to talk openly with your partner about things that do not make you feel comfortable, what you would like to modify, lor you like and what not: without pressures or offend, talk about what always happens to us is the first step to live a pleasurable sex life.Stop search all the time a body impossible, impossible to measure, an impossible time, stop fake orgasms impossible to leave live frustrated and enjoy a full sex life with whom we like. Chat about what we don't like and that Yes, to work on those points, always within a perspective healthy and realistic.
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