Our intestines has difficulty to absorb fatty foods, so it is good to minimize their consumption while this condition

Irritable colon or colitis is a disease that attacks the intestine causing inflammation, severe headaches, diarrhea and even bleeding. It is a disease that if it receives proper treatment can lead to cancerous ulcers. Also, because of this, the Agency rejects some food intensifying symptoms of the disease.
Although there is not a real cure for the disease, there are some treatments that can give you a more dignified life. On this occasion, we want to present a list of foods that should be avoided when you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, so that in this way to contribute to the proper functioning of this body , and also does not cause major discomfort.
Derived from the dry seed of cocoa, has property stimulate both the nervous system and the digestive system that, in the case of suffering from colitis, causes cramping and diarrhea.Grains and legumes
This group includes the Passover, beans, peas, lentils and chick-peas. By its high content of iron and insoluble fiber, become intolerant for patients with irritable bowel syndrome foods, demonstrating in constipation and colic.Dairy products

Become one of the main enemies of the digestive system of those people suffering from colitis or irritable bowel syndrome. By its high lactose content, it is difficult for these patients to digest it.
Citrus fruits
We refer more explicitly to the lemon, Orange and Tangerine, but not in the same proportion that is proven in other foods, which also cause discomfort to the patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Avoid consumption of these juices.Fats
In this group of fat we can mention all fried foods. Although it was already mentioned within the dairy milk, is also important to know that also contains a high percentage of fat, which is difficult for the walls of the intestine absorption.Banana

Green bananas rich in potassium and carbohydrates is one of the foods that are against the proper functioning of the colon, as this may cause constipation, causing difficulty in evacuating and, in most cases, bleeding.
Canned foods
To speak of preservatives, we feel the need to mention to processed foods, canned foods and packaged juices containing high level of preservatives, which becomes an enemy for irritable bowel syndrome by the duration on the market need.Alcohol
It is not by others to clarify that we refer to alcoholic drinks becoming a true enemy of the irritable bowel syndrome, since it is an irritating gastrointestinal; that suggests such people suffer from this syndrome does not drink such as: wine, beer, rum, whisky and the like, since they can aggravate the symptoms of his illness.The soft drinks

Carbonated beverages are part of foods not recommended, since they can cause stomach inflammation by the high level of gas, so it is not recommended for these patients.
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