The best remedy for keeping our skin healthy is to provide adequate rest and sleep at least 8 hours for that radiant look

Regular facials, skin cream, anti-aging lotions, masks, natural resources; the skin care enthusiasts it will try everything. But, how to rejuvenate and keep your skin hydrated?
The best part is that the benefits of the skin are observed much sooner if you sleep well, compared to the health benefits. Let's understand how sleep helps achieve a healthy glow and rejuvenate your skin while you sleep.
Let your skin breathe
The first step is to be sure to wash your face properly every night before going to sleep. This removes the dirt and grime, opens the pores of the skin and allows your skin to breathe. If not washing your face every night, your skin will be prone to acne and wrinkles, since closed pores will prevent the formation of collagen in the skin, necessary for a more youthful skin.It moisturizes your skin before bedtime

Your skin tends to dry out while sleeping, so as soon as you wash your face, apply a generous amount of moisturizer on the face. This will block all essential oils on the skin and keep skin smooth and hydrated. When you get up in the morning, your skin will be radiant and bright.
Pay attention to your lips
One of the most definitive features of the face are your lips. Dry lips and cracked look bad, the best choice for the sensitive lips is rubbing them every night with a soft toothbrush. This helps to get rid of dry and cracked lips and makes them soft and flexible.Eye contour cream

A major before retiring to bed skin care is the implementation of a good cream under the eyes, which can help get rid of the bags and the wrinkles under the eyes. Because the skin under the eyes is the thinnest, it is important to hydrate well with special eye creams and leave the cream to repair this delicate area. Apply the cream in a smooth, circular motion so that you can rejuvenate the skin.
Gentle exfoliation
Exfoliation of the skin is essential; However, when you rub, your skin becomes sensitive. Sensitive skin is more prone to damage and becomes vulnerable to the Sun's rays. The best option is to exfoliate gently just before sleep so that you can prevent further damage.Hands and feet

When it comes to skin, not only should focus on the face and neck; hands and feet are also important. Apply moisturizing body lotion on the hands and legs are kept hydrated and do not become dry and rough. Another good idea is to use socks and gloves before sleeping, as they help the circulation of the blood due to adhesion on the feet, which helps relieve stress. Together with keep feet hydrated, so also feel relieved and helps to overcome fatigue. It also helps you sleep well, which in turn improves the skin.
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